Put MORE dynamic into dynamic events

Put MORE dynamic into dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


The dynamic events (in theory) in game are great, and for the first 1-2 times you do them thay are fun and interesting.
However there is little dynamic about them.

(example, slight spoiler)

In the human low level area there is a mission to ‘escort Guard Bartol to collect some weapons’. Great lets go, follow him, kill a few Centaurs, he gets the weapons, YAH for our team !
But wait, what if you fail? well dont bother he doesnt, even with only a solo players helping him he gets the weps. And then its just a matter of hanging around until the next time somebody decides to help him ! BORING !

How about…

You succeed -
Bartol gets the weapons – The Centaurs are so angry they launch a counter strike at the fort to attempt to get them back. A timed event where a set number of Centaurs ‘must’ be killed in specific time !(dynamic yes)

You fail-
(firstly you’d need to make the event losable)
This triggers a timed event where you have to launch an attack on the Centaur post to rescue Bartol (say 5 mins)

Resulting effects-

Bartol got weapons, you defeat Centaur attack – Increased numbers of Centaurs until next event starts.
Bartol got weapons, you failed Centaur attack – Event resets as normal.

Bartol failed to get weapons, you rescue him – Increased numbers of Centaurs until next event starts.
Bartol failed to get weapons, failed rescue – Event resets as normal.


There are dozens of such events like this that could have been made so much better with very little effort. Most of the events in what I have described exist already. You just needed to put them in a more dynamic chain, with an actual consequense depending on a specific outcome !

Little changes like this would indeed make the events truely dynamic and would have a visual impact on what the player experiences in that zone at any given time ! ! !


We’re not retreating… we’re advancing in a different direction !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !

Put MORE dynamic into dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rise.9702


You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

Put MORE dynamic into dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


This has been suggested a lot and I am agreeing too. Basically make the events more harder.

Although I totally agree with you (personally I think the whole PvE game is too easy) The difficulty isnt the main issue. Events actualy need to become dynamic.
Each event needs to be part of a branching chain, and have an outcome that is based on this !

We’re not retreating… we’re advancing in a different direction !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !