PvE Solo player

PvE Solo player

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saraya Bloodrain.1284

Saraya Bloodrain.1284

Hi all, I am a Solo PvE player (most of the time). I do belong to a guild, we are a small guild of players who have played meny games together over the years (20 + years). Here is the problem. As most of us work, and are scattered all over the world living in more them a few time zones. I and we have found that we can only get so far befor we need others to help us, once we get to that point the game gets, well boring. for example. I have 92% of the world map compleated, I cant get the rest of the map with out going into dungens, I cant do that by my self. We found that in GW1 we could progress with the help of Hero’s when we were with out ower guild mates. this is not the case here in GW2. Please dont get me wrong I LOVE GW2, but as a PvE player I feal like I have “Hit the wall”. I have all the Exotic gear, I have as much of the map I can get by my self, All Hearts, Vistas, and POI, Compleated. To be honest, I feal like there is more focus on the PvP and WvW players then there is on the PvE players. Yes I recognise the new content (Frost and Flame) for the PvE players. Lets be honest here, most of the PvE players had the first part compleated with in the first 48hrs of the update. honestly as I try to play every day, I am at a point were all I have to look forward to is getting my dayles done. and that is all I have to look forward to… yes I do the jumping puzzles, and Dave Master stuff as well. We as a Guild of PvE players are fealing that we may as well go back to GW1 were we can progres with out relying on others, as we take pride in being able to do things on ower own.

Onix A.K.A Saraya Bloodrain (BLT)

PvE Solo player

in Suggestions

Posted by: WonderfulCT.6278


A few things: this game isn’t really intended to be played solo and isn’t in the same subgenre as GW1, if you do desire a game that you have the option to play with friends or alone whenever; a fps might be more suited to your friends play style, next the rest of the map you are required to get is most likely in WvW and not dungeons just a heads up. I don’t want to discourage you from playing I just don’t think encouraging solo play is good for an online game especially an mmo.

Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.

PvE Solo player

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


LOL to both of these posts..

@ Saraya:

You obviously have no clues about the game you are talking about as it seems just from looking at this posting from you, one would guess.
You are complaining about things, which absolutely are no problems for solo players.
I by myself have soloed with my first character except the last personal story mission naturally all by myself alone.
I’ve made 100% Map Completion 100% alone.
Those things you are complaining here and listening up are all just FALSE and not true.

1. You don’t have to do the dungeons for 100% Map completion, they DON’T COUNT
What you have to do is 100% all MAPS of Tyria, go once into the Hideout of the Order of Whispers as its a tiny 100% area for itself and then when you are like 95% or so, the last % you’ll get by making all current 4 WvW Maps to 100% as THEY DO COUNT towards 100% Tyria Completion

And I’ve done all this without a perfect Exo geared character..just in fact, my main is still running around with a mix auf green and yellow items having just only exo shoulders on …

You can do absolutely nearly everything alone in this Game, except SPvP, WvW and Dungeons so far, whereas it is normal, that PvP can’t be obviously done alone LOL.
So everything you are basically complaining here about is only, that Dungeon’s aren#t soloable and therefore you want to have heroes back, just like Dungeons in GW1 were soloable with Heroes …

While I agree that it would be really awesome to be able to have your own account characters as mercenaries at your side (or do call them heroes) to make Dungeons in general more accessible to everybody and not only to people, which PUG, are in a Guild or have in general enough active playing friends to make groups up daily for dungeon runs…
this feature is just only 100% purely for more game confort to everybody, mostly the casual gamers and thats why I do support this feature to 50%
The other 50% come from my likings as role player, as it would be nice to be able to RP as a group of your complete own characters and would make the game more immersive for everybody, who kinda want to play as some kind of “family” or “friends” ect. and not only as the lonely heroes which stand alone for themself and with those you RP only together with other players as single characters being forced to permanently change between your characters, if you want them to be in game.

Being able to have your own Hero group would also enable the devs to implement a “Quick Toggle” feature allowing it the player to change between the character that the player wants to play without having to go into the character choosing screen, when those characters that are temporarly linked from your account to your group are already at your side allowing this way the player more control over which character being played right at the moment letting the last character you#ve controlled before manually become controlled by the game, while you change to your chosen group character hero to controll it by yourself.

That would be some kitten awesome gameplay feature that owuld make alot of fun to play for your if you could just play your account characters as a group to your fullest extent thats possible for the game. Something like that kind of feature has never been in any MMO eve and it would be THAT unique feature for GW2 allowing players to “MULTI CONTROL” own accoutn characters as group and still always having only actually right at the moment 1 single character actively in own control..

Lets do call this feature for now “Group Character Swapping”, in brief GCS-System


You’re wrong, Anet has always said from begin on, that they want to design GW2 as a game, where players can play the game, whenever they like, how they like, the way they like and thats exactly the case.
You just can’t say GW2 is a game thats not made fors olo players, nor can you just say, that GW2 is a pure party game made only for being played in groups.
Both things to say would be just wrong. GW2 is a hybrid for everyone with just a few things in there, which are naturally meant to be played as a group, like everything that has to do with PvP, if you want to be successful in those modes…
Dungeons so far were from the begin on designed as a group feature, as they were also from begin on in GW1 basically a group feature.
Dungeons in GW1 being soloable were just the results due of the incredible imbalance of GW1 of way too overpowered builds thanks to such brainless game systems like the dual class system, that were from begin on a game design failure which has caused that GW1 will never be a balanced game at all!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside