There have been alot of conversations about in game goals and I was recently inspired to consider what I would find a fun goal. My personal conclusion was that I’d really like some form of Vanquish mode. I really enjoyed Vanquishing in Guild Wars 1 and was considering how I could accomplish this in Guild Wars 2. I could simply race to kill enemies in an area and move on before they respawn, keeping track of my own progress but I thought introducing a Vanquish Mode might be appreciated by others and encourage play in low level zones (albeit short term).
To implement this I’d think there would have to be a switch to flip in the Hero Panel prior to or upon zoning into an area. This button would take a headcount of enemies currently in the zone for a kill count. There are a few kinks to work out such as Dynamic Events (especially events with waves of enemies), simlarily named enemies (Risen) and respawn rates/geographical consideration (did you really vanquish if you didn’t find that hidden enemy in the far corner of the map). If there are any other I haven’t mentioned please let me know. FYI I’m not a programmer, just a spitballer.
DE’s: I am not sure which would be easier; including completion of a number of DE’s in the area to compensate for extra enemies spawned or excluding enemies spawned from DE’s altogether. Perhaps depending on the time the player(s) turn on Vanquish mode the head count could include an average of the enemies that are slated to spawn for upcoming events.
Named enemies: For areas containing alot of Risen or similarly named enemies I think the headcount would have to seperate them into categories. Kill so many Subjagators/Acolytes/Brutes (you get the picture).
Respawn Rate/Geographical consideration: Somehow force us to go to each corner of the map. Could be tagging a number of enemies that haunt far away corners when the headcount is taken (player may have to wait for it to respawn to complete) or ensuring a unique enemy or drop (could be a unique grey item/trophy) that will put a checkmark towards the kill count.
Another kink would be solo players versus party/multiple parties Vanquishing at the same time. Champions would have to be excluded for solo players and possibly included for parties. Starting solo and then partying could exclude Champs but the headcount should increase incrementally per party member added. If players are already in a party when they choose to Vanquish including Champion(s) is feasable but perhaps should be optional, for simplicity they could party up after choosing VQ mode instead of adding an additional request in menu.
Another issue could be multiple party groups VQ’ing at the same time. Perhaps a “Locust” check that buffed any solo VQ’ers in the area with a smaller head count or buffed chance at tagging an enemy and let the parties know they need to communicate intent and que up for the next respawn? Party consideration is my weak point since I mainly solo. Perhaps multiple parties could trigger a higher spawn or respawn rate?
The “Carrot”. I’m sure many players would like a reward for this accomplishment. Personally although I view it in tandem with area completion (and area completion rewards are great) I’d like to see this as a Title track. I’d like to see Shiverpeak Vanquisher and if we accomplish all areas Legendary Vanquisher. And I suppose these titles may come with a few Arenanet coins, but why not? It could be that upon Vanquishing an area a unique boss spawns with a chest. To be honest I haven’t really thought the rewards through past the title, I just want a new goal revolving around PvE gameplay.
Thanks for reading and feedback is welcome.