I would like to see the stats lowered for the PvP Amulet and raised on the PvP Jewels. Amulet base stats have such an impact on our builds, I feel this would give amulet and jewel combinations more meaning.
Below is a list of suggested stat changes (I rounded up to the nearest number divisible by 5):
PvP Celestial Amulet
+225 Power
+225 Precision
+225 Toughness
+225 Vitality
+15 % Critical Damage
+225 Healing Power
+225 Condition Damage
Celestrial Jewel
+115 Power
+115 Precision
+115 Toughness
+115 Vitality
+5% Critical Damage
+115 Healing
+115 Condition Damage
PvP Carrion Amulet
+615 Condition Damage
+430 Power
+430 Vitality
Carrion Jewel
+310 Condition Damage
+215 Power
+215 Vitality
PvP Rabid Amulet
+615 Condition Damage
+430 Precision
+430 Toughness
Rabid Jewel
+310 Condition Damage
+215 Precision
+215 Toughness
PvP Cleric’s Amulet
+615 Healing Power
+430 Power
+430 Toughness
Cleric’s Jewel
+310 Healing
+215 Power
+215 Toughness
PvP Valkyrie’s Amulet
+615 Power
+430 Toughness
+15% Critical Damage
+225 Healing Power
Valkyrie’s Jewel
+310 Power
+215 Toughness
+5% Critical Damage
+115 Healing
PvP Berserker’s Amulet
+615 Power
+430 Precision
+225 Vitality
+15% Critical Damage
Berserker’s Jewel
+310 Power
+215 Precision
+115 Vitality
+5% Critical Damage
PvP Soldier’s Amulet
+615 Power
+430 Toughness
+430 Vitality
Soldier’s Jewel
+310 Power
+215 Toughness
+215 Vitality
PvP Rampager’s Amulet
+615 Precision
+430 Condition Damage
+240 Power
+240 Vitality
Rampager’s Jewel
+310 Precision
+215 Condition Damage
+115 Power
+115 Vitality
PvP Knight’s Amulet
+615 Vitality
+430 Power
+430 Precision
Knight’s Jewel
+310 Vitality
+215 Power
+215 Precision
PvP Shaman’s Amulet
+615 Toughness
+430 Condition Damage
+430 Healing
Shaman’s Jewel
+310 Toughness
+215 Condition Damage
+215 Healing
I basically took the combined value of amulet and jewel and split them; the amulet is 2/3 of the combined value and the jewel is about 1/3.