PvP Amulet Defines our build

PvP Amulet Defines our build

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mojo.2691


I would like to see the stats lowered for the PvP Amulet and raised on the PvP Jewels. Amulet base stats have such an impact on our builds, I feel this would give amulet and jewel combinations more meaning.

Below is a list of suggested stat changes (I rounded up to the nearest number divisible by 5):

PvP Celestial Amulet
+225 Power
+225 Precision
+225 Toughness
+225 Vitality
+15 % Critical Damage
+225 Healing Power
+225 Condition Damage

Celestrial Jewel
+115 Power
+115 Precision
+115 Toughness
+115 Vitality
+5% Critical Damage
+115 Healing
+115 Condition Damage

PvP Carrion Amulet
+615 Condition Damage
+430 Power
+430 Vitality

Carrion Jewel
+310 Condition Damage
+215 Power
+215 Vitality

PvP Rabid Amulet
+615 Condition Damage
+430 Precision
+430 Toughness

Rabid Jewel
+310 Condition Damage
+215 Precision
+215 Toughness

PvP Cleric’s Amulet
+615 Healing Power
+430 Power
+430 Toughness

Cleric’s Jewel
+310 Healing
+215 Power
+215 Toughness

PvP Valkyrie’s Amulet
+615 Power
+430 Toughness
+15% Critical Damage
+225 Healing Power

Valkyrie’s Jewel
+310 Power
+215 Toughness
+5% Critical Damage
+115 Healing

PvP Berserker’s Amulet
+615 Power
+430 Precision
+225 Vitality
+15% Critical Damage

Berserker’s Jewel
+310 Power
+215 Precision
+115 Vitality
+5% Critical Damage

PvP Soldier’s Amulet
+615 Power
+430 Toughness
+430 Vitality

Soldier’s Jewel
+310 Power
+215 Toughness
+215 Vitality

PvP Rampager’s Amulet
+615 Precision
+430 Condition Damage
+240 Power
+240 Vitality

Rampager’s Jewel
+310 Precision
+215 Condition Damage
+115 Power
+115 Vitality

PvP Knight’s Amulet
+615 Vitality
+430 Power
+430 Precision

Knight’s Jewel
+310 Vitality
+215 Power
+215 Precision

PvP Shaman’s Amulet
+615 Toughness
+430 Condition Damage
+430 Healing

Shaman’s Jewel
+310 Toughness
+215 Condition Damage
+215 Healing

I basically took the combined value of amulet and jewel and split them; the amulet is 2/3 of the combined value and the jewel is about 1/3.

PvP Amulet Defines our build

in Suggestions

Posted by: redslion.9675


Or add an editor to let us create our own amulets, given an amount of bonus points to use into stats.

If that would alter the balance too much, you could put some limitations like a cap on a stat, or a cap on offensive/defensive stats.

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