PvP Improvements (Tour & Regular)

PvP Improvements (Tour & Regular)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about PvP. I for one is one of them. It’s boring. This never ending Glory grinding is trippin’ on our nerves and it’s time to do something about it. I saw a post about PvP modes which inspired me to come up with some fresh ideas for a brand new PvP feeling for us who spam these tournaments and love kickin’ some newbies kitten in regular PvP.

Aquamarine – Defend The Squids

Perfect for underwater combat. It’s time to go swimming people, polish our underwater skills a little bit. Underwater combat is supposed to be fun, let’s go all in on underwater combat and have fun during it.

The objective is to kill Enemy Squids at enemy territory. Let’s say there are 1 giant mean squid to kill in the center of the map surrounded by small defending squids which gives the killing team 25 points for killing it.
We also have 4 smaller squids (Lord Squids) that provides you with extra buffs for enemy kills as in Temple Of The Silent Storm. Each of these 4 squids are divided in teams of 2 ? 2 in each team to defend. Sounds like fun? We can also have ships on surface with points to make this map extra interesting.

I believe mixin’ PvE Veterans and Chanps with PvP, PvP will gain a brand new feeling and will require more teamplay. At least on this map.

Forest Of Whispers – Watch out for T-Rex

Okej, we got points here as well to defend and capture, but this time you need to pay attention to the giant and mean dinosaur lurking behind the trees. Ofc, you get extra points for killin’ it but I wouldn’t want to stumble on it alone with its stuns , throatrippin’ claws and baseballsmashing tail. Have fun trying to get it alone. It will be impossible ? even with burst builds.

So you have 3 points to capture, a mean dinosaur lurking around interrupting 1on1’s and so on. I would think this was fun. Even if you stumble on a groupfight and this dinosaur I’d laugh and get all fluffy inside. Like it?

Pyramids Of Doom – Watch Out!

Traps have never been a favorite things when exploring PvE areas and I got world compeltion now ? finaly! A pyramid with traps and Risen veterans would be fun. Ascalonians maybe? Anyways, you get my points. Traps vs Veterans vs PvP. Sounds like a fun time to me. Anyways.

Feel free to put down your thoughs. Extra thanks to Cosplays.2937 who inspired me to write down some of my own ideas around new maps and modes.

Aeranima (Aeonixus in GW2)


Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com

PvP Improvements (Tour & Regular)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cosplays.2937


Nice bro. These are some fantastic ideas and plus don’t be glum if not many people are viewing your post all you have to do is update it so it gets to the front of the page so people can see it. I’m looking forward to seeing what else you got up your sleeves.

The last time someone fought me… lets just say, eating oatmeal is too tough on their teeth.

PvP Improvements (Tour & Regular)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Excision.5480


really cool ideas! I just want PvP changed so I can feel like I’m working towards something more rather than just different looking armor sets that just look different :/

PvP Improvements (Tour & Regular)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Nice bro. These are some fantastic ideas and plus don’t be glum if not many people are viewing your post all you have to do is update it so it gets to the front of the page so people can see it. I’m looking forward to seeing what else you got up your sleeves.

really cool ideas! I just want PvP changed so I can feel like I’m working towards something more rather than just different looking armor sets that just look different :/

Thanks people. I think we really need new maps with other things to do than just bunker points for our team. Fighting Svanir/Chieftain/Lords have been my favorite maps so far and dragging people with scorpionwire down the pits at Temple is really fun. Traps will be fun camping at as a Thief and finish the newcomers off for those sweet extra condition buffs put on my short bow.

But yeah. I will keep an eye on this post and post new ideas soon. I am a developer myself after all.

Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com