PvP class balance suggestions

PvP class balance suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ryston.7640


1) add more customization to amulet options so some builds become viable that currently are not. Some ideas, like a power major, toughness minor, and healing minor; are small variations. Others like condition major, toughness and vitality minor are probably also going to open up new options. Some like toughness vitality and healing would be stupid and shouldnt exist.

2) elementalist should have condition weapons and non condition weapons. This would make going 30 arcana more of an option than a must.

3) guardian passive state nerf to be on par with elementalist. Im going to say this about every other class… im on a phone. So ill just say it here.

4) mesmer illusion nerf across the board by some small %.

5) ranger make pet abilities instant, long bow and great sword need flat % buffs.

6) thief no more stealth stomps

7) warrior no change

8) necromancer make pet active skills more tactically significant.

9) engineer no changes