I am not sure if this has been suggested before but I always liked the concept of PvPvE dungeons where it has a pve concept instance where you go through mobs fight awesome bosses and have a feature where the boss can call on players to assist and save him/her/it and the lair. Maybe add some more groups(similar to the orders) the player can join and have those determine the boss they assist when helping which would give it a pvp element as well. I know that there may be balance issues at first pending on how you take on this (you could make it completely pvp where each player keeps their stats or set it where they get set pre-set stats and skills based on current weapon sets) but i think it would be worth it to have a instance like this. Who says pvp and pve can’t blend together if successfully pulled off this would be extremely fun to do and I am sure many others may enjoy it as well.