Q/A Department Overhaul

Q/A Department Overhaul

in Suggestions

Posted by: scree.2061


Your games been amazing so far. I love it. Well done.

Now. Why do bugs like the “new” dark room glitching out (unable to be completed by almost every server it sounds like) even occur? It seems as if the first person to do this instance did it successfully and the next spawn broke it.

Something like this slipped through the Q/A team.

So my recommendation is, give them some more help. Most major MMO’s have test servers to try out changes to the game. Frequently, members of the community will LOVE to volunteer to test out the changes. In fact, as an active test server pilot of EVE Online, I frequently spent more time there then on the live server.

Bugs like this should be rare. Instead they are quickly becoming an accepted truth of new content for your company. There are easy fixes for this and the solution is to test your content out on a semi-live server.

Bugs can be minimized, and I hope your team ramps up its testing efforts regardless of my suggestion or not.

Q/A Department Overhaul

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


As a software tester myself, I have to respond to this. First of all, buggy software is not the fault of the QA. Why aren’t you asking why the defect was created in the first place? QA did not create the defects. And I have no doubt, that like every other tester I know, they do everything possible to find as many bugs as they can. Their hurdles are many – time is their enemy, and finding every bug is not possible, nor is it cost effective. And they do have help. The help is us. Crowdsourcing will find the bugs faster than anything else. So help. If you find a bug, enter a bug report.