Question about misc improvements

Question about misc improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


It’s been 6 months since these and many other suggestions have been posted.
Anybody wanna guess how much longer it takes till we get anything we want,
or do we have to wait another year? Maybe in a form of a costly expansion pack?

The changes I want the most right now are:

- P2P trading window (like every game has, wow, d3, etc.) no big deal
- 1st person cam view, would help A LOT to check out the surroundings and vistas
- fixing the sluggish laggy camera into a 100% responsive sharp style (good thread about this with rich details was posted long ago)
- a option to turn off dmg numbers or at least change their size
- a option to turn off npc bars popping up in my face