Quick Fix for Many Bugs/Hacks/Glitches

Quick Fix for Many Bugs/Hacks/Glitches

in Suggestions

Posted by: Myrkr.5803


Not sure if this should be in suggestions or bugs.

Bugged Events/Skill Points:
Auto – “Full Resets” if the Event if they have not been completed with in 10/30/60 mins (Depending on Event – Temples and Dragons are long so require a longer time vs. a Skill Challenge)

This would fix the majority of world/pve glitches without direct intervention and only occasionally impact players (can be minimized by finding a timer “sweet spot”, ie a point where it is rare that the temple/dragon would still be up – but short enough that it is not bugged until the next server reset.)

WvWvW Hacks/Cheats:
Keep cannot taken (standing in the Circle) and Orbs cannot be picked up/Altar broken until at least one section of the outter and inner wall have be knocked down (Within the last 10/15 mins).

This will stop people from glitching/flying through walls.

Keep Walls and Door can only take a maximum of expected damage from each source. (Say a treb does a 1000 damage of 100000 health, then thats the max the door/wall can take from a single source.)

In theory this would give players at least a 100 hits to get there and see a hacker hitting the wall to report etc.

(I’m not a big fan of limiting the way people play WvWvW – but I cannot see any serious impact these changes would have on legitimate players. They are however bandaid solutions meant to limit the impact of hacks/cheat etc unfortunately not completely remove it)

Myrkr DraugrNecromancer of the Tarnished Coast

Suggestion for Necromancers Lack of Block/Vigor/Evade/Invulnerable

(edited by Myrkr.5803)