Race Change
I agree.
Why this (and name change) wasn’t included in the “TOTAL MAKE-OVER kit”, I’ll never understand… Especially name change. Why include a gender change without a name change? Most of us have picked a gender-based name…
Do you even lift, bro?
I also agree. I have a lvl 80 human guardian with maxed out Cooking and full exotic armor, weapons and jewelry. I really don’t like the standard issue looking human now after i see all the other races running about. I also have a lvl 80 norn warrior who im tired of because hes so tall and odd, but i do not wish to remake him because i have maxed out Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing and a 10g recipe for legendary. I would imagine it would take quite some time and work to implement race changes due to the skills and personal story, but i’m quite sure that there are many people like myself who are willing to pay for it. It would honestly keep me involved more in the game because i don’t like playing these two characters much now and i really dont want to remake them because i have 300hrs on each of them at least. Please consider the pro’s of adding race changes if not already.
My question to this post would be did you not know before lvl 80 that the race you chose is not to your liking? I have made several combinations of race and profression only to delete and start over…none of these characters made it past level 15. I am in no way trolling the OP, I am simply asking a sincere question.
While name change is a must, race and profession changes are understandably much trickier to implement.
What should they do if you’ve bought cultural stuff for a race and you change race? Refund? Swap for cultural armor of same tier of your newly chosen race? What with everything else you’ve got that might be unusable if you swap profession (armor, weapons, etc.) – what to do, just make them soulbound but unusable?
Sellable, salvageable?
A lot of points to consider for race/profession changes, whereas the name change is probably inbound in very short time as I don’t see any complications around that. Everyone’s ID by their account name anyhow, so a name change probably won’t affect much – other than name reservation policy.
By changing- do you get to reserve your old name 24 hours, longer? What if you buy (ok, it’s weird scenario) 100 name change contracts and rename your char 100 times in succession?
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
@circusfreak, the character i wish to race change is my 1st 80, i didnt know of the cultural armors and how things would play out, i regret not researching more now.
@dondarrion, the cultural armor could change, for example if you bought norn t3 and race changed to human, the armor would change to human t3. World of Warcraft does this with its faction change system (if you have a faction specific mount, it will change to the equivilant on the other faction). I can understand problems with the story line, but i think it could be resolved by having a story line 100% completion requirement on story line.
(edited by Daednu.6893)
Id pay for this aswell.
9/3/13 rip