Race Change Through Gem Store

Race Change Through Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnat.9405


With the many services being offered through the gem store being mostly cosmetic changes, I think the community and development team would benefit from giving the player the ability to purchase a character race change using gems. With the game quickly approaching it’s first full month of live play, there is certain to be many players that have devoted many hours into their character, and would like to experience their work with another race, without losing their progress. I would gladly pay $15-$20 for gems that I could use to change my characters race.

Race Change Through Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


I can’t be completely sure, but I would think that would be pretty game-breaky in regards to personal quest story lines.

Race Change Through Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Yup…pretty sure this will never happen.

Race Change Through Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tase.3294


I vote for this. Either require that the character has completed the personal story for his current race (and set the new race’s personal story to completed), or reset the personal story. Or translate the current progress to the new race, if such a thing is even needed.

It is certainly not impossible to achieve, it just depends on how ArenaNet wants to implement it.

Race Change Through Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crise.9401


As long as personal stories exist, a race change would just imply inconsistencies… while it may be possible to see the major branching points in the story, and match those for different races, it probably would not be possible to substitute personal stories in any meaningful manner.

When you have completed your current races story sure, but even then you would have to be locked out of the new races story…. otherwise ever creating more than one character of different races would not be incentivised, besides consider this, you have a 80 asura decked out with whisperer’s skins on your equipment (or cultural skins) and then you swap race your equipment skinwise would no longer be applicable to you. Then there is home instances, and myriad of other things.

Going to go out on a limb and say that it won’t be happening, they are selling you character slots as it is, want to pay for a “race change” purchase a slot and roll on it.