Race Changes

Race Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aura.9530


I think I have come up with a good way to implement race changes that will appease the masses.

1. Make the option available on the gem store for a set amount. (let’s say 2500 for the sake of ease)

2. The second condition would have to be one of the two options.
a) You must have already completed your personal story quest
b) You will have your personal story quest set back to the first mission

This will mean that your personalized Priory, Vigil or Order of Whispers armor/weapons will be unavailable till you choose which you want at that point in the story quest.

3. Your race specific armor will become unavailable to wear if you do change races

4. The race change would have to include a makeover as well; as a lot of races do not have the same combinations.


Race Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: xCrusadentx.2784


This has been suggested multiple times. My vote goes against it.
P.S. Random Luna pic much?

Royal Blood Oath:
We are sworn together by our blood…

Race Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I think I have come up with a good way to implement race changes that will appease the masses.

1. Make the option available on the gem store for a set amount. (let’s say 2500 for the sake of ease)

2. The second condition would have to be one of the two options.
a) You must have already completed your personal story quest
b) You will have your personal story quest set back to the first mission

This will mean that your personalized Priory, Vigil or Order of Whispers armor/weapons will be unavailable till you choose which you want at that point in the story quest.

3. Your race specific armor will become unavailable to wear if you do change races

4. The race change would have to include a makeover as well; as a lot of races do not have the same combinations.

Not to mention that a Personal story line form start to finish with boosters and buffs gives 15 levels which means 15 Skill points I can see this as a problem. I am sorry not in agreement with this.

I know people just want to change their race and they are too lazy to re-roll another character blah blah.

Stop being lazy and suck it up is what I say. Half the enjoyment of this game is leveling in my opinion, then again that is my opinion.

Race Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aura.9530


This COULD also be an only level 80 option if you’re that stressed about the leveling process. That way it’s only skill points; which at 80 you get unlimited amounts of anyway.

Some people put a lot of time and effort into their characters by the way; so some won’t want to just start over if they’ve put a great deal of time into whichever character they want to change. I myself have leveled two characters to 80; sometimes you get to that certain point and just want to change something that the makeover kits just can’t provide.