Race/Sex Changing

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kent Nation.1537

Kent Nation.1537

There should be a way like World of Warcraft where you can pay for a race change. I know the GW2 is a F2P game so I know that they money would help them. I see that people would say it wouldn’t work as there is a different story line for each race but I think that it would be possible to start at the same point that you left off in a different story line. So tell me what you guys think of this suggestion.

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

I highly doubt ANet will do this. Your personal story is tied to not only your race, but choices you made during character creation.

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheEhn.5920


I think race change would more so break things than make it any better. Sex change on the other hand should be easy cake.

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Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Race change could be troublesome, but gender change should be already on the works.

Gw1 had the Anatomical Engineer. I don’t see why they shouldn’t have it in GW2 too.

No exceptions!

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: kinijah.2459


I would love to see a race change. Something i would actually spend some gems on would be just this. :-/ Hopefully they will add it!

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


I highly doubt ANet will do this. Your personal story is tied to not only your race, but choices you made during character creation.

An easy solution would be that subsequently changing your race or gender doesn’t affect your personal story line. Yes, it could break immersion for yourself but it’s can hardly damage the gaming experience of other players if you run into an instanced throne room as a Charr or something similar.

I have little doubts that this feature will eventually come.

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nemesis.1948


While race changing would be a nice feature, yet troublesome feature to have, a way to perhaps fix the issue with personal stories is that you may only change race once you reach level 80 and finish your personal story. This would then mean that there wouldn’t be any complications with your personal quests.
And ideas on this guys?

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


You’re already asking for race changes 3 weeks after launch?

At least I am against it. It would cause too many problems with the story lines. Sex change would be Ok but it’s still a rather useless feature.

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Samoh.3746


You’re already asking for race changes 3 weeks after launch?

At least I am against it. It would cause too many problems with the story lines. Sex change would be Ok but it’s still a rather useless feature.

Why is it a useless feature? That’s a ridiculous comment. It’s not useless to the people who want it. And why does the storyline problem even matter? If it matters to you, then don’t change, that’s absolutely fine, but personally I don’t care, so it wouldn’t matter for me and it certainly wouldn’t affect you. They just need to make the issue very clear in the disclaimer.