Race change?! Please :3

Race change?! Please :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zappis.3720


I’m so unhappy with my thief being a human, I want him to be an asura. There’s already things that lets you change sex and apperance. I just want race change and I can be happy with my thief again :P

P.S I don’t wanna lvl another thief just to get an asura :< D.S

Race change?! Please :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: AzureShiron.7658


Im afrade this goes against the whole thing anet is about, and im against race change. Not to mention it would be a big hassle to implement with the personal story stuff. Lets stack on top of the fact that you said you didnt want to re lvl the char so people saying that it could only be done if it shot you down to lvl 1 again and you had to do the whole thing all over again wouldnt work for you either.

If you think this post is about you, it probably is