Race changer

Race changer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


(EDIT: Hmm… looks as if the OP’s post got deleted or moved.)

Mentioned many times. ANet has already said they aren’t planning it. Too many variables involved (such as Personal Story, Cultural Armor, etc.) when it is simple enough already to just create a new character of the race you want to play.

Part of enjoying that race is the personal story, especially the early parts when you are still in your homelands. Leveling is boring, I know. Get some XP Boosters and get to work.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

(edited by Hamfast.8719)

Race changer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


No. We need a-net please say something