Race swap between 2 characters lvl 80.

Race swap between 2 characters lvl 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Assimilator.5342


If this wasnt said already i would suggest, that Arena Net make a Race Swap item , which would give you a possobility to swap 2 character lvl 80 their race’s. I have warrior human and charr theif, just wanted to swap their race’s , but it wont mess anything with achivments (wich AN. stating thats the main problem about race change at all)… Your ideas , suggestions guys ?

Race swap between 2 characters lvl 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: vizups.3824


Race change in item shop would be a better idea , i would buy it like 3 times because im sick of asuras lulz.
But im totally for a race change!

(edited by vizups.3824)

Race swap between 2 characters lvl 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Assimilator.5342


Race change in item shop would be a better idea , i would buy it like 3 times because im sick of asuras lulz.
But im totally for a race change!

They already said it wont be possoble, because it would mess with race and lvl and story achivments, but Race Swap wont have any problems between achivments.

Race swap between 2 characters lvl 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: jesse.1975


-1. There is no point in race change, it would totally ruin the whole meaning of personal story and the game. You made your choices,now live with them.