Racial Skills: An Idea

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: PlausibleSarge.2318


I know this is a long read. Please read it through to the end. It isn’t your standard “WHA WHA RACIAL SKILLS SUCK MAKE THEM BETTER NOW” thread.

Hi. I am reasonably new to the game (I am level 40) and, as such, have little experience with the most important and fundamental gameplay mechanics or how they work. As a result, I am likely to get something wrong in this thread. If so, please correct it without dismissing the entire post as stupid. Thank you.

I am very disappointed with the implementation of racial skills (racials) in this game. I understand that racial skills were designed to not have much use, so that players would not be forced to choose a particular race over another when making a character in order to be effective, allowing combos such as Sylvari Warriors, Norn Elementalists and Charr Mesmers without making them any more or less effective then their counterparts from other races. I think that, while the current idea works, it doesn’t completely fix the problem, and is a messy solution – it simply results in a bunch of useless abilities which nobody ever uses which just take up space. In the few cases where a racial ability is useful, it’s existence works against the efforts of the developers. It is effectively a catch 22.

I think a far more elegant solution would be to detach the racial skills from the races altogether, and instead tie them to the religion or culture that a specific race generally follows. (the human gods, the animal spirits, the pale tree etc). Each race would be identified by these gods, similar to how they are now, and all characters of that race would be associated with that religion by default. This means the skills associated with that deity are available to purchase with skill points from the beginning like they are now. Throughout the world a new type of NPC, the priest, would be available to change your religion for a small fee (40 copper * the number of skill points invested in racial skills), which would remove all your current racial skills and allow you to choose ones associated with a different race. When this happens, all skill points invested in racial skills would be refunded.

Of course, with this change, the skills can be made just as powerful as regular utility skills and elites, as they are now effectively usable on anyone without having to sacrifice or change the visual representation of your character, and would allow people to have access to abilities they would otherwise never use (I despise the look of the Norn, so I will never ever get to use any of their abilities under the current system). It also allows the developers to safely add features like Racial Trait Lines, racial passives etc because it would no longer clas with their original goal. This system also has the added benefit of allowing these skills in PvP and WvW, since the player could now have a choice of which religion they choose to follow in PvP and WvW independently of their PvE character, which means any potentially overpowered skills are available to everyone, regardless of race, putting everyone on the same footing.

What are your thoughts on this idea?

(edited by PlausibleSarge.2318)

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snow.2048


I love this idea. From my current view, the religion and the character choices lack any lasting effects on your character itself. Personally, I love how the sylvari look, and could spend all day creating them. However, my norn mesmer put it all into perspective for me with Become the Wolf, my all time favorite elite skill. In classes that do not have an elite skill that I enjoy, I turn to the racial elites. Being able to become a crazed wolfman with several interrupts, heals and general awesomeness makes growing a few plants seem lackluster..

To be fair though, I’m a sucker for any kind of increased character customization. Five branches of six options each with a total of fourteen choices just doesn’t cut it for me. I understand the idea that simpler = easier to balance, but I think that this religion idea has merits. Especially if we leave it out of sPvP, the situation would be more or less unchanged in balance, while making character choices even more aesthetic ones.

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: PlausibleSarge.2318


Especially if we leave it out of sPvP, the situation would be more or less unchanged in balance, while making character choices even more aesthetic ones.

I can understand the need to keep the game balanced, however I have thought about the balance of sPvP and IMO it could work, since it would be trivial to allow players to simply choose which bunch of skills they want to use before a match starts.

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


Functionality-wise, it appears pretty solid, have to disagree on the racial trait lines though. It’ll either introduce a new meta-race (skills) for certain professions, or go completely unused. Aside from that, it’ll at least allow people who enjoy using certain racial skills for the heck of it the ability to pick whichever race they like the appearance of without losing that added “fun” aspect. My asura wants Hounds of Balthazar, just for kicks lol :P

Lore wise, it’s shaky at best. Charr do not have gods/religion (excluding the Flame Legion, they’re baddies anyways), so a charr using the racial heal-skill “Prayer to Dwayna” would not make sense. Not sure if the same conflict will exist with the norn animal forms since I don’t recall norn referring to them as gods. Also, a sylvari using the norn transformations, a norn popping an asuran golem, or a human growing a sylvari turret just doesn’t fit imo.

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Half Tooth.1867

Half Tooth.1867

I have to say I really love your idea. Maybe it could be called a belief, rather than a religion though. The charr and Asura don’t really have gods, but they do believe in their guns/technology. From a roleplaying angle you might very well get other races wanting to believe in the human gods, or the spirits, or you might get a sylvari that believes the charr way of approaching things just makes more sense to him.
This idea would also add an element of customization, which is epic!

The downside is like Ex Tribble pointed out. That while it is possible for another race to learn how to build and work a golem, or pray to a human god. The norn abilities to shapeshift is part of that race, as is the sylvari’s abilities to grow turrets and vines. Other races using those skills would have to be completely rethought.
In the past, Anet have not had problems changing the functionality of skills, some of the skills in gw1 got changed 10 times and bear no resemblence to what they originially used to do.

In the beta, the sylvari vine wrap skill where you can imoblize an enemy, used to be an AoE skill so you could get 2 or 3 at a time, not it only affects a single target. At some point that must have decided it was too overpowered, but in PvE the only time I really want to imobilize enemies is where there’s more than one of them running at me. It also allowed me to hold several enemies in one place while I AoE-ed them with ele skills. The fact it effects a single target in PvE now makes it useless since most classes have a way to immoblize a target anyway.

My point is that with the ability to change ‘beliefs’ the skills have potential to be much more unique and slightly more powerful.

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Udolpho.1209


A Sylvari choosing avatar of Melandru, hm, okay.

An Asura changing his “religion” (?!) and then transforming into a werebear? o_O

Some work and some are just plain wrong.

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: PlausibleSarge.2318


A Sylvari choosing avatar of Melandru, hm, okay.

An Asura changing his “religion” (?!) and then transforming into a werebear? o_O

Some work and some are just plain wrong.

I see your point. Surely there is some way they could remedy this. Maybe change the shapeshifting forms per-race to something that makes more sense but have the same functionality.

I have to say I really love your idea. Maybe it could be called a belief, rather than a religion though. The charr and Asura don’t really have gods, but they do believe in their guns/technology.

Good point. Beliefs or Traditions or Disciplines whatever is fine. I am more interested in discussing the mechanic than the name.

Racial Skills: An Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

A Sylvari choosing avatar of Melandru, hm, okay.

An Asura changing his “religion” (?!) and then transforming into a werebear? o_O

Some work and some are just plain wrong.

Well, if your dad was Asura and your mom was Norn, maybe it’d work? :P