Racial outfits in character creation

Racial outfits in character creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Celestina.2894


So, as I was remaking my mesmer as a sylvari, something occured to me.

It’s a lot harder to make a sylvari if you intend to use cultural armor, as you’re not sure how it will look until after you have already created said character.

To fix this and keep it fair to other races, I propose each race be allowed to cycle through a preset of each of their cultural sets. Preset 1 would be tier 1, preset 2 tier 2 and of course preset 3 tier 3. The presets would of course also depend on the class.

Of course, I’m not saying drop everything for this, as it is a minor problem at best but I do think it is worth looking into doing at some point in the future.

Racial outfits in character creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: pyrakitt.8076


I like this idea.
I would much rather there was a set of race specific clothing in the options for the set we start with. So we could decide to start with the standard human clothing or we could go with race clothing. Much like what we get through the personal storyline creating a new character would be the only way to get it. . .
and it would give the poor non-humans more options. >.>