Ranger Longbow "Rapid Fire"

Ranger Longbow "Rapid Fire"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seabrook.6531


I use mostly long bow on my ranger.
Ranger Longbow “Rapid Fire” #2 skill seems lacking.

One of the problems is its channeling time which is 5 seconds, takes too long.

A suggestion to make rapid fire more useful:

Fires less arrows (maybe 5 instead of 10), each arrow will now do 200% damage, since it fires half of the arrows. The channel time will now be 2.5 seconds and not 5 seconds.

Hopefully this will make rangers better.

Ranger Longbow "Rapid Fire"

in Suggestions

Posted by: devaking.2397


why 200%? quadruple dmg seems like a lot.

or did i get that wrong its 4:00 am and i feel like a zombie. so my bad.