Ranger Pet Suggestions/Requests

Ranger Pet Suggestions/Requests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Northlander.4619


More impressive beasts

Now we can improve the look of our weapons and armor but why not pets? I find it somewhat annoying that the best looking pet material is usually enemies or NPC pets. I want pets that look more like spirits or elemental forces than just animals.

Below is a list of things I’d like to see:

Branded Animals (recolor them if must – see Sourfang)
Icebrood Animals (fish, wolves)
Rock dogs (specifically Sourfang
Phoenix (and I’m talking of the type with fiery appearance, not GW phoenix)
Skelks and Skale

Even if these are just skins to be sold on top of existing animals.

Swiftness buff on command

We have moas that screech all kinds of buffs and birds that use swiftness on their own but how can we not have a pet that grants the most important on command buff?

Seriously I’d boot any pet I’ve now to get a pet with controllable swiftness buff because it actually allows me to use it out of combat where it is most useful. Especially since Rangers don’t have reliable swiftness buff from utility. Hell swap the crummy F2 slashes that birds currently have with their quickening screech. Alternatively new Moa type maybe?

Ranger Pet Suggestions/Requests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minevra.3270


Oh a rockdog or icebrood wolf would be fantastic!

I would also absolutely love having a griffin as a pet, or if not a pet than at least as a mini.