Ranger -Pet's animation and general behavior

Ranger -Pet's animation and general behavior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kha Rii The Necro.3619

Kha Rii The Necro.3619


There are probably lots of other pet posts around. But here is mine anyway.

Pets do feel cheap to be fair. Why is it just an ON/OFF switch? When you turn on and off a pet it should be some kind of cool animation and not “bam” and its gone or replaced by another pet. It could be an transformation animation effect. Nothing uber fancy just a bit more than its now. Example: You change from a Moa to a Drake and you will see the transformation quickly take place. (Simply Animated – nothing hollywood like)

And on another note pets should also not be so suicidal. They either stay with you (avoid combat) or attack until they are dead. Why not add some AI to them? If they are dying get back to master to heal a bit or maybe seek healing around the battlefield if there are any. It may be advanced what I suggest but I gotta say people. The way it is now its cheap and very poorly implemented.

Oh and what up with the stow pet feature? If you stow it why does it come back once you are attacked or attack something? :S

The teleporting pet is another issue I feel is cheap. Let the pet return to you using pathfinding. The pets pathfinding is very bad and when you implement teleporting to solve a problem. Well! Enough said really!

I am hoping for some contructive inputs here.