Ranger regeneration needs to be toned down
As one would say in LoL, better nerf irelia….but in this case, Better nerf Ranger.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Ok, this is not new, ranger regen needs a nerf a huge one, how can a guy stand and be focused receiving attacks and just regenerates throw them, its not fair its so OP, its like a joke, how can a ranger have more sustain than a warrior?, how is that possible and not only that, now that conditions are OP they can just kill you with condis while you try to lower his hp that just keeps regenerating no matter how much damage you do to the ranger, he will just regenerate it.
This is the recipe to make that effect:
“troll unguent” that is the skill that needs to be toned down that and traits with regeneration and healing power grants you an inmortal ranger.
Now add a couple of runes for condi damage and a shamans amulet and you have an inmortal ranger that will kill everybodie with conditions.
troll unguent is HoT, which means that they’re still at risk of burst
-can be cast 4 times in 100s = 8.5k*4=34k health
heal as one (has a higher healing coefficient afaik)
-can be cast 5 times in 100s = 6.5k*5=32.5k health
ether renewel (mesmer) 5.5k (+600 for each clone… can easily have two active) every 20s
those are the only healing skills that only heal; thus the only ones comparable
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Or you could throw a bunch of conditions on them. If they’re specced for regen, they’re usually not able to throw off the conditions very well. And everybody has better sustain than Warrior, this is no surprise.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
yeah, ranger is op… \o/ we cant dmg, we cant cc, all we want is the 2nd best heal in the game. or third.
troll is an easy to be trolled heal skill. because it have a long time period, while it heal you, easy to put a poison on the user. or easy to spike down…
Just the WvW
Seriously people, the ones who defend this nonesense, do you really thik it is fair to someone regen to all your damage and other people damage and achieve inmortality unless 4 people make a focus on this person?, it is not, in no game achieving inmortality its fair, period.
If you’re talking sPvP, then I’ll be frank, it’s sPvP, there are numerous OP builds in there.
If you’re talking WvW, then LOL how are you not taking him out?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
If you’re talking sPvP, then I’ll be frank, it’s sPvP, there are numerous OP builds in there.
If you’re talking WvW, then LOL how are you not taking him out?
Pvp of course.
Seriously people, the ones who defend this nonesense, do you really thik it is fair to someone regen to all your damage and other people damage and achieve inmortality unless 4 people make a focus on this person?, it is not, in no game achieving inmortality its fair, period.
our damage sucks balls, sorry dude but the one thing we can do well is heal.
Seriously people, the ones who defend this nonesense, do you really thik it is fair to someone regen to all your damage and other people damage and achieve inmortality unless 4 people make a focus on this person?, it is not, in no game achieving inmortality its fair, period.
our damage sucks balls, sorry dude but the one thing we can do well is heal.
Your damage dont suck, if that were truth the inmortal hunter couldnt kill anything but thakittens not the case, a regen ranger can kill but not be killed, the nerf from pets was very justified, now imagine the state of the ranger before this patch:
He can regenerate forever he cans stack conditions on you and his pet will follow and kill you for sure.
Tell me it was not OP, and tell me to be inmortal its not OP.
Was it more OP than Mesmers, than Minion Necromancers, than D/D elementalists, and more OP than Grenade Engineers?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Better suggestion for you guys, how about donating some of those rangers regen to warrior problem solve. Were all happy
All I want is pure destruction!
OP, poison is your friend here.
IF this is about spvp ranger regen, well get used to it. Spvp is the one place in the ENTIRE GAME where ranger is possibly top dog. The rest of the game people just don’t like em (maybe not the right way to put it, but people generally prefer other professions over ranger due to pet mechanics)
Ele can burst heal, guardian can fully heal, necro has 2 life pools, there are other professions who can sustain really well.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Spvp is the one place in the ENTIRE GAME where ranger is possibly top dog.
Don’t say it out loud! They are going to nerf them in there too!
Don’t you know that the Ranger is absolutely forbidden to be better than the other classes at anything at all?
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Spvp is the one place in the ENTIRE GAME where ranger is possibly top dog.
Don’t say it out loud! They are going to nerf them in there too!
Don’t you know that the Ranger is absolutely forbidden to be better than the other classes at anything at all?
One thing its a competitive balanced class, and other thing its that it can be OP, now tell me you, are you ok with balance?, do you want balance in the game?, if yes, then accept that achieving immortality its not fair and its not balanced, if you dont then you are not bign coherent, so you dont want your class to be balanced you want it OP, and as a warrior character really you are exagerating, ranger its in a much greater spot than warrior in pvp, and by a lot not by a little, but i like balance i dont like nothing to be OP, neither warriors (that now in pvp sucks).
On the other hand, those kind of regeneration should have more sense on a warrior that needs to stay in close combat and has to be the focus of every attack, than a ranger that can simple kite and attack from distance and has a pet to do damage in melee for him, not saying that warrior should be immortal, just saying that warrior needs more sustain than a ranger.
(edited by Fenrir.5493)
You should try playing the ranger and deal with nerf after nerf every time Anet tried to “balance” the game.
Like EVERYBODY told you already, Troll Unguent does not make the ranger immortal. I am all for class balancing, since my main (a ranger) is the worst possible class for PvE and nobody wants us in their dungeon groups at all, since for most dungeons we are useless (if any of the bosses have AoE attack, our pets will be dead in no time, meaning that up to half our dps will be gone).
The Warrior already have the best potential damage outcome of the entire game. I realize that it is not a good class for PvP, but thinking of how screwed up was the last update for Rangers and Warriors both, I believe Ranger is not supposed to be a PvE class while Warrior is not supposed to be a PvP class (that’s very, very sad IMO). Quite frankly, that’s the only possible explanation that comes to my mind, and I would rather think that it is Anet’s intention instead of thinking that they simply have no idea of what they are doing.
I understand that you don’t want rangers to have better sustain than warriors. However, do you think it is fair that one class have great sustain AND the best potential damage outcome in the game? I don’t really think so. Also, Ranger apparently does not mean “ranged combatant” (I know, it is a bit ridiculous). We just got our max range for the shortbow reduced, and that was the main weapon of a lot of builds (mine included). You will find a lot of rangers having to stay in close combat, and I dare to say they are as common as warriors that use riffles and longbows.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
(edited by Gabby.3205)
Well, i agree in that i think the devs are doing the warrior a pve exclusive class, and im not conforable with that stupid descision, this game is really a mess if i knew thing will be like this i never had bought this game really i was expecting something very different not immortal classes in pvp, underpowered to the extreme classes and jokes like the uber thief etc.
Lame game i bought really.
Troll Unguent definately doesn’t make the Ranger immortal.
Troll Unguent +condition dropping signet +regen signet +toughness signet (with 30 in Marksmen) make the Ranger immortal. Put poison on the ranger, he drops the condition. Hurt the ranger too much he hits toughness signet and gains invulnverable, Troll Unguent plus regen signet with +healing power, he heals to full while you flail at him. And then he dies because he’s run out of tricks.
I don’t PvP, but this is definately the build I use in the game and it’s the reason Ranger is my favorite. It’s the only build I ever used because it’s hard to kill. Not impossible, but hard. I don’t axe though, so not into conditions.