Rangers using guns.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


Precisely what the title says.

Rangers need to have the ability to use rifles/pistols.

i mean, theyre RANGErs. and, i know that the name has nothing to do with weapon preference, but my Charr ranger has issues with bowstrings—-his claws keep sawing through them.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


page 2 with no replies?

am I the only one that thinks Rangers should be able to use firearms?

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


once again, no comment on this?

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Rifles at the very least fit the idea of a ranger perfectly, in my opinion. If it does eventually show up as a weapon for them however, it’d likely show up in an expansion or something. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that Anet would put in a simple content patch.

…unless they want to blindside us with awesome, that is.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


Rifles at the very least fit the idea of a ranger perfectly, in my opinion. If it does eventually show up as a weapon for them however, it’d likely show up in an expansion or something. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that Anet would put in a simple content patch.

…unless they want to blindside us with awesome, that is.

I was more or less thinking about it for an expansion.

and yes, in a content patch, it would be AWESOME.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Precisely what the title says.

Rangers need to have the ability to use rifles/pistols.

i mean, theyre RANGErs. and, i know that the name has nothing to do with weapon preference, but my Charr ranger has issues with bowstrings—-his claws keep sawing through them.

If this gets implemented you just single handedly killed Engineer 100% =/
If this gets added every single person with an Engineer should be allowed to the following:
-Free Class Reset
-Free Race Reset
-Free Upgrades to weapons
So that those players that you just royally screwed over have a chance to play the game with a class that would essentially be better with firearms then them.

It makes no logistical sense at all. If you do not like your Charr ranger then do one of two things.

1) Make a new race as a ranger
2) Make a Charr Engineer

There is no need to trash one class to make another class O.P.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


If they get even more weapons than even more huntards will roll them. No thanks.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


If they get even more weapons than even more huntards will roll them. No thanks.

Pretty much that too
+1 to you good sir

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Panda.1967


Yes, give Rangers Rifles AND Pistols there is no reason at all that they should not have them.

As for the argument of Engineers being ruined if this happens, TOTALLY ABSURD AND BASELESS ASSUMPTION!!!!

First off: Engineers have WAY MORE TO THEM than just rifles and pistols additionally, their rifle and pistol skills are out-shined tremendously by their kit skills Grenades and Flamethrower particularly. If you are rolling Engineer just because you couldn’t get Rifle and Pistol on a ranger then you really need to take a hard look at what all your engineer can actually do before you say “if rangers get these then I have no reason to play engineer” and if YOUR PERSONAL OPINION remains the same then it’s NOT ANet’s responsibility to give you a free respec to ranger.

Rangers and Engineers fill separate combat roles. The Ranger is a back lines distance attacker raining down conditions and AoE death upon would be attackers. Whereas the Engineer is more of a mid-ranged Tactical zone defender, setting up little mini-bases with turrets aiding the front lines from a safe, yet close, distance.

Please stop assuming I’m a guy… I am female.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adzy.8370


read the lore for the ranger. the ranger is a master of nature and the environment. i 100% disagree with this idea – and i can 100% guarantee you this won’t happen.

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Corsix.4895


Why cant my guardian use an axe? Its just like, a mace with an edge on it. Why cant they use guns either? Are guns ‘evil’ ? Its a trigger you pull, and i’d just use the gun magically like mesmers use greatswords. Why cant everyone use a gun infact, its the easiest weapon ever, you point and shoot ! Infact, why dont we have asuran rayguns yet, everyone should get an asuran raygun because THEY EXIST. Infact, why cant my guardian dual wield swords? Infact, i want a raygun thats shaped AS a sword since gun swords existed. Infact i want a sword made out of rays of gun.

Infact, give light sabers to everyone.

Why dont rangers ever run out of arrowx? Or axes for that matter, geeze they got a batman utility belt going on, but speaking of which engineers wow, they store like unlimited bombs in their pockets, i’d hate to see how expensive that must be, in fact, i want my guardian to be able to use bombs, you just light a fuse and BOOM.

But back to the main topic, yes im all for giving Guardians crossbows.

Burn them burn them burn them aaaaallll sings
Burn them burn them burn them whoooaaaa!

Rangers using guns.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


Guardians with guns sounds FTW, actually. Shooting stuff with holy bullets? Heck freaking yes! Just like Alucard in Helsing, which is one sick nasty cartoon.

User was infracted for being awesome.