Rare Crafting Material Storage

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Counciler.7438


Simple addition that would perhaps be fitting. Storage for Rare crafting materials such as corrupted orbs, or crystal shards.

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


+1. They take up unnecessary space in my bank slots when they’re used for pretty much the exact same purpose as the “collectibles”. Just add them to that list and put them in a new tab underneath the “fine” materials.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Myrdreth.6829


YES! Please, I want that too! It bothers me a lot that all those materials take up so much space in my bank inventory.

I want to be able to deposit all those crafting materials like the normal ones too. Every item with the description “crafting material” (like all ingredients, even consumable that can be used for cooking, rare crafting materials, crafting components like rawhide strings etc.)

Crafting materials are using 3(!!!) tabs in my bank inventory :(

I love to collect and store items…but because of all those crafting materials I am not able to enjoy it as much as I want. I need to be extremly picky what I want to store and what not.

And everytime I change my character and want to craft with another one I need to take out ALL the items from the bank inventory. If I don’t do that some items don’t show up in the discovery tab(that happened a lot when I wanted to craft cooking recipes) :/

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Yeah, it makes no sense that they arent in the collections!

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Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Yes! Holiday material storage wouldn’t hurt either for all that excess Halloween stuff and all the wintersday stuff to come

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Yes! Holiday material storage wouldn’t hurt either for all that excess Halloween stuff and all the wintersday stuff to come

I like this idea. Label them as “event” items.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faalagorn.7324


This defenitely needs to be added, I don’t quite understand why aren’t they already seeing they are pretty much same as other materials? 5 tiers, 8 different types, all usable in various crafting disciplines.

So far I’ve been selling them, but decided to keep them later, and becuase I only have one tab which is already half full I either have to put them on my another character or my private bank storage – and muling isn’t user friendly :X

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: chucky.4798


This is a very good idea. I would be willing to pay up to 600 gems.

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Demigorgon.3276


Yes. Or give us the option to buy even more bank space.

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agyaggalamb.4796


+1 to Rare Material storage and Event storage tab even if it costs some gems.

Yes. Or give us the option to buy even more bank space.

Is there a cap to buyable bank and char inventory space?

Rare Crafting Material Storage

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrsAngelD.6971


+1 I want this too!!