Rare Items pertaining to current content

Rare Items pertaining to current content

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I believe items like Queen’s Gauntlet Entrance Ticket (which is rare color) should stay within the starting areas, or at least not make it into the drop tables within Orr maps.

If I choose to farm high level mobs for a while and I find wooden chests pop up, I’d rather pull a rare equip, lodestone, etc. instead of any event items. I feel that it is blocking that chance that some rare item could be in the chest other than the event items.

What are your thoughts?

Rare Items pertaining to current content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zyphent.2967


We’d need confirmation from a Dev on how their loot engine works really.

When something dies and a RNG rolls for your loot, I don’t know if it rolls, decides rare, then rolls for item, or just rolls for item right from the get-go, and the rarity just pertains to the percentage chance to get it.

I feel its most likely the latter option, so it may feel like you’re cheated out of a rare, but you’re probably not, no way to know without Dev’s divulging a bit about how drops are calculated though, and I wouldn’t hold my breath on that.

Rare Items pertaining to current content

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Yeah, I see what you’re saying. I would like to know that as well. Now, I’m not speaking for everyone, but if I’m in an Orr map, I’m not too concerned with the Gauntlet. I’d rather get the Entrance ticket from zerg runs through the Pavilion if I wanted to look for some.