Rata Sum - Hidden Area Idea

Rata Sum - Hidden Area Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: MidgetManiacIan.6809


While in Rata Sum, the Asuran Capital, I had a small amount of free time on my hands. Being awesome, I decided to see if I could slide off the edge of the City-Cube; and preferably survive. After “several” attempts (5 or 10 minutes) I managed. However I landed and instantly died. I then took a new approach and managed to Land in the massive lake below Rata Sum.

I died in mid air falling towards the lake. Had I not taking this unexplained damage, probably the course of the “world edge”, I would have landed in water and survived.
(I will take a video of this, and put a link in a comment ASAP)

Frankly, I thought this was awesome, and instantly had the idea of a hidden map section, below Rata Sum. Accessed by perilously sliding yourself over the edge of the City-Cube and into the lake below.

I would love to get peoples’ view on this, and hopefully, eventually have ArenaNet add in this secret area.

Please Leave comments, saying whether you’d like this, and what your’d want in it.


Rata Sum - Hidden Area Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kosai.7458


I’d love it. Mainly because i like exploring and discovering new areas and stuff. Heck i even jump on LA rooftops and Rata Sum pyramids just for fun. And also because I, as you have, slid the edge of Rata Sum just to see if i can get into one of the holes in the edges and fall laughing to my death into the lake below.

Rata Sum cant be the only one. Me as an explorer if i do say so myself, have discovered many areas which are potentially good as a jumping area or just simply wander around. I do realise this might not be fun for some but it is optional after all as everything in the game is.

So yes, I do like it.

Rata Sum - Hidden Area Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kosai.7458


Sorry i forgot to post my suggestion and what i would like in it. Mostly of what you are going through seems like a jumping element of some kind, which is why i will be suggesting jumping. Probably just would like to make sliding into the holes on the edges of Rata Sum possible and then have chests in each of those sections until the perilous jump into the lake below!

I wouldnt mind also having the walls of Divinity’s Reach (the one with houses and homes on) be jump-able. You know, you can jump on the rooftops or something and jump one whole round the wall 360 degrees from one end to the other with a chest at the end. Possibly have a timer element to it.

Or the great large Death-star building thing in the middle of the black citadel be able to jump to the top of it or all around and such. Even the tall boat like towers in Lion’s Arch would be simply awesome. A really great height in which you have to jump up and when you look down you would feel really queasy since it’s a long way down. And when you get the chest you would just dive down to your death anyway cuz it’s cool :P

The grove would have you go up the pale tree or even under its roots to search for hidden treasure. Hoelbrak would have some ice areas in which are slippery although im not sure what kind of mechanic they can do with that.

Many more but i cant think out the top of my head at the moment. call me crazy for thinking those kinda things are fun but hey, each person has fun differently right? :P

(edited by Kosai.7458)

Rata Sum - Hidden Area Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Actually, the area down there is pretty detailed (you can rez yourself with the gem store consumable, and at least used to be able to climb down in 1 spot near one of the outlying areas).
Also there’s this interesting little mechanic they made for the REAL edge of the world down there: if you stray too far, you’ll suddenly find yourself teleported into one of the prison cells in the Peacemaker’s Headquarters.

Rata Sum - Hidden Area Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dapo.9128


Here is the above promised video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7beZc6F-ak
I hope they do more things like this soon.

Rata Sum - Hidden Area Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: MidgetManiacIan.6809


I’ve read through all the comments so far and am glad to see that I’m not the only crazy one around with this Idea… Or the Idea of randomly jumping of the City-Cube.

I was also thinking along the lines of a jumping challenge, probably because I’m quite fond of them. (I’d also like to believe I’m quite good at them.) My idea was to perhaps jump up the inside of the city cube, with various stations, and obviously some chests.

Then at the end of the jumping Challenge you have the normal Grand/Superb chest. I would however make this chest visible from the normal Rata Sum area, just to pique peoples interests, and perhaps even add in a NPC who tells you that you have to access the chest from ‘Outside the city’.

My friend has added a link to the video in the comment above, and I apologize for the low quality, but we’re not really accustomed to doing videos.

Kosai, I’m liking your idea of having a hidden bit in each of the major cities, I like getting the Tyrian Explorer rewards and stuff, and I think this would make cities much more fun, as currently their is very little need for them, apart from Black Lion trading, and simply exploring the map.
I’d also like getting other peoples ideas on what they would want in these areas, Jumping challenges, Dungeons, Mini-games, Puzzles etc?

Please continue to leave comments.