We, from german speaking community got a lo of supporter of this idea, so i decided to bring this to the english forum.
Original Thread (german):
It is about the night"effects". We got several feautures about the night, like weapons of asclon or even runes only working during the night. There is nothing llike a watch or something in guildwars2 and hardly anyone notices if it’s night. You can’t really say if it’s clouded or actually night already. In a few areas, if you pay attention you can see the sunset but nothing more.
So the idea is. Make a real night. a dark one. where you can actually see cities glowing at night. or where you can’t see anything in a forest unless you got some glowing armor or some kind of light (fire for example). Also the mobs should be like that.
Also there was the issue about pvp/wvw or that some got bad eyes, the computer is not thaaat strong, or what ever. Our solution to that is:
- Make an option to disable night/day visual effects
- Disable it completle in wvw and pvp
- maybe insert some special “night map” for pvp so there are new kinds of tactics available
It is all a bout atmospere. so fitting “night-sound” would be really awsome in addition. persoally i fid it weird that the events, the npc’s all just happens regardless what time it might be. so if there was a real night, mabye there would be more kinds of quests and events (for example: we need to finish XY before sunset, ZZ are really active at nigh")
We all love the landscape and over all art of gw2. all the details that were made with so much passion. so this is a thing we really miss.
I hope sooner or later sme anet member could give us a statement too ;)