Real Night

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyl.4689



We, from german speaking community got a lo of supporter of this idea, so i decided to bring this to the english forum.
Original Thread (german):

It is about the night"effects". We got several feautures about the night, like weapons of asclon or even runes only working during the night. There is nothing llike a watch or something in guildwars2 and hardly anyone notices if it’s night. You can’t really say if it’s clouded or actually night already. In a few areas, if you pay attention you can see the sunset but nothing more.

So the idea is. Make a real night. a dark one. where you can actually see cities glowing at night. or where you can’t see anything in a forest unless you got some glowing armor or some kind of light (fire for example). Also the mobs should be like that.

Also there was the issue about pvp/wvw or that some got bad eyes, the computer is not thaaat strong, or what ever. Our solution to that is:
- Make an option to disable night/day visual effects
- Disable it completle in wvw and pvp
- maybe insert some special “night map” for pvp so there are new kinds of tactics available

It is all a bout atmospere. so fitting “night-sound” would be really awsome in addition. persoally i fid it weird that the events, the npc’s all just happens regardless what time it might be. so if there was a real night, mabye there would be more kinds of quests and events (for example: we need to finish XY before sunset, ZZ are really active at nigh")

We all love the landscape and over all art of gw2. all the details that were made with so much passion. so this is a thing we really miss.

I hope sooner or later sme anet member could give us a statement too ;)


Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeveM.7913


I’d love to see this, It’d be lovely if it was as dark as it is in the winter lands Fractal. In the same dungeon there’s also a proper snow storm, I know it’s somewhat of a side track but it’s to do with the atmospheric feel of the game, I’d love bigger weather efffects, proper rain storms and as OP says, proper nights. Just give the min maxing community a option to toggle it off. The GW2 world is so lovely and it’d be close to perfection with some great nights and weather functions.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


I would love this idea. Reminds me of the night mods I used to use in Skyrim. Made the world so much more immersive.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Yes please +1 great idea, I’d also like to see an actual darker night time, at the moment it’s just slightly more blue, not even a bit darker at all.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


Absolutely. A real, synced, dark night is one of the few features I really miss from WoW. That time, 3AM, when no one is online, the woods are dark and you’re the only person alive. It gives a sense of eerie.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It’s actually very easy to tell night from day. Play a Slyvari. Look at it. Is it glowing? Then it’s night time. ^^

More seriously, yeah, it could stand to have some sort of dimmer to make nights darker. I can’t tell day from night unless I am playing a Sylvari and check the glow. Maybe if the characters could equip a torch on their armor to light up the immediate surroundings if it was actually dark?

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


Real night sounds great until you actually play a game that accurately models darkness.
Has anyone else here played Day Z?
Yeah, THAT’S night-time, and I’m absolutely positive the majority of the userbase would balk and leave if ArenaNet implemented more realistic darkness.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Real night sounds great until you actually play a game that accurately models darkness.
Has anyone else here played Day Z?
Yeah, THAT’S night-time, and I’m absolutely positive the majority of the userbase would balk and leave if ArenaNet implemented more realistic darkness.

Maybe some sort of dimmer slider, the level of darkness chosen by the individual player. From current level to very dark. I can see people not liking true night, especially in mob dense areas. But the ones who want it should have the option. A large number of people, including myself, wouldn’t mind night becoming dark enough to easily tell from day by using a customizable dimmer slider.

The main complaint I have about the current day/night setting, is that the game was advertised as having days and nights and I can’t usually tell which is which unless I am playing a Sylvari and check the glow or deliberately stare at the sky.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Night needs to be genuinely dark, as in a lighter version of what they have in darkness dungeons. Not to the point where you can’t see, but where a torch or a similar light source would be helpful in finding your way around.

Secondly, what is with the Moon-Sun?!

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

(edited by Moderator)

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aenia Shadowforce.9148

Aenia Shadowforce.9148

I think its great idea (and post it to signalise the demand for that function to ANet)

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


I made a few posts about this when GW2 first came out.

I really agree with this, but for some reason I don’t think they’ll ever address this. It’s a shame, because it would really add some awesome depth to the game.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


One feature I missed the most about “night time” in other mmos (not gana list them) was the unique monsters that could spawn at those times. In some games, night time was actually scary for low levels, because of the difficult mobs that would start appearing, and also night time lasted quite awhile.

Weather and day cycles in this game seem to preset, you walk into the Liongaurd fort in Bloodtide coast (just south of La) and suddenly its drizzling and turns darker. Leave the spot and it brightens back up. In wayfarer foothills, there is a certain area with heavy snow but if you leave the area and look back it’s as clear as day.

Weather needs to be more zone related, if its raining in part of bloodtide, it should be raining all over. If the rain stops, it should stop all around.

I absolutely hate how some people claim," Well my pc is kitten and the fps gets super low in weather" you don’t need some super pc to handle the graphics in this game. Let game companies roll out their true potential and release some beautiful landscapes and effects. For some people, their budget simply doesn’t allow this. Well you bought a new generation game, you should of been aware it would slow you down a bit.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: JubeiTM.5763


How about specific creatures that crawl out on night time?
Also I would like to see some animals sleep during night.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: naphack.9346


Well, if you look into the history of RPGs, Nights used to be pretty scary in the older ones and got dumbed down more and more(less vision impairment, less unique monsters etc). GW2 sadly follows this trend by having no difference between the daytimes at all.
Just run around at night in Skyrim…
…And then do the same thing in DAGGERFALL
In Skyrim, the night is barely noticeable… In Daggerfall, however:
You don’t see kitten, there’s scary musik flowing out of the speakers, sending shivers down your spine and some really scary monsters are trying to hunt you down…


The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

(edited by naphack.9346)

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZenonSeth.5739


Just found a nice mini-dungeon yesterday in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.

The final room is completely dark, filled with traps and mobs. The mobs have a “hidden in darkness” (or something like that) buff, that makes them evade all attacks, unless lit by a nearby fire. (you could pick up a torch environmental weapon to throw/light bonfire at your feet)

Now, I’m not saying that this should be the standard nighttime in GW2, but it was helluva fun and an actual challenge to fight these monsters in the darkness. Also quite scary as all you could see is their red nameplate and the eerie glow of some enemies.

Are ye laughin’ yet?

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I loved that puzzle. Did it solo and felt like I was playing a true mmo exploration. There are a couple other places in the game like this too.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: slowly.7490


How about specific creatures that crawl out on night time?
Also I would like to see some animals sleep during night.

Great idea, i would love it.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darx.9842


ANet CAN do it. They just choose not to.

-The Snowblind fractal has a night time area is actually dark, it’s hard to see much without a torch, and you can sneak by the mobs in there because they can’t see much either.

-The dark room in the EB jump puzzle is also extremely dark, and nearly impossible to navigate without a torch.

-The dwarven tomb mini dungeon in Dredgehaunt Cliffs is very dark and requires torches to navigate.

There are a huge amount of caves, ruins, etc with no access to an outside light source, that SHOULD be pitch dark. But for some reason, ANet likes the ground and walls to be glowing with light? There should be more dark areas, they are already there, ANet just needs to dim the lights.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: AEFA.9035


This is a good suggestion, ANet keeps mentioning how they want GW2 to be a living world. So why not make it like a real world and implement a night cycle in the game, together with some events unique to that cycle that can only occur during the night time. AND! maybe implement some Thief mechanics in there too

Visibility is the only problem, why not make it similar to GW1 model where you have a bubble around your character where you can see up to that bubble and have visibility of your surrounding during the night.

Imagine a Guardian in the night with its HOLY LIGHT OF JUSTICE!!!

But then again, a lot of people will cry about this visibility idea and would ask for a nerf on certain classes cause they can’t be beaten. LOL! GW2 players issue, bunch of cry babies.

Success is my only option, failure is not.

(edited by AEFA.9035)

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: CeNedro.7560


Support. Last time i went to gendarranfields and the gravedigger told me to come when it’s night(then the ghosts come out their graves hehe). It was impossible for me to tell if its day or night… teleported ~5 times until I had luck and saw the ghosts… For these sort of content it would even help just to have a sun/moonsymbol next to the minimap.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rannug.2731


great ideas in this forum. I also would see a darker night with the option to illuminate it using a torch or glowing glyph of some sort. Also, more distinguished weather, blowing leaves, heavy rain and thunder where visibility is bad and such.. But hey, I think this is not gonna happen since it would be the icing on the cake that is not ready yet….

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Louveepine.7630



good ideas!

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Real night sounds great until you actually play a game that accurately models darkness.
Has anyone else here played Day Z?
Yeah, THAT’S night-time, and I’m absolutely positive the majority of the userbase would balk and leave if ArenaNet implemented more realistic darkness.

I have albinism in my eyes… a moonless night with no light on for 5 mile sin all directions…I can actually take my glasses off (which are tinted darker than most sunglasses) and see as if it was noon. Night holds no secrets from me, the DAY can be blinding though =/
I’d love proper darkness heh.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: zenleto.6179


I love this idea. I miss it from older mmos.

They could have another Living Story called Night & Day leading up to Halloween. It could just be a small one to get larger amount of feedback.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I would love a revamp of the whole system of the sky personally. I mean having the sun rise and set as it should across all maps in a coordinated effort. There are too many times that I leave Divinity’s Reach at night to walk into a bright and sunny Queensdale and it just feels messed up, plus it would just add another level of detail to the game to have the sun set in Ashford before it sets in Metrica because of the size of the world. On top of that having weather throughout the maps that don’t effect just individual mini-zones, but instead effect large parts of the map as a whole. Adding a dimmer to give people the option of No Night – True Night would be a great addition to the world. And also adding a cohesive night sky (although this might be too much) because with many peoples focusing on astrology (Istani’s, Canthan’s, and Jotun) it would be cool as a player to lay out the constellations and such.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: crouze.3078


Did some magic in the past to show how it should look like:

But i allready chatted with an environment artist from anet who said that its unlikely that they will change it.

In the Beta they allready got alot of complaints saying “night is to dark”

And there were alot of threads in this forum talking about it.

(edited by crouze.3078)

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: xerca.6135


I love this idea! I already notice some effects that I love (like the Godlost swamp getting rather spooky at night and Ascalon has fireflies all over with a very cozy atmosphere), but I would like more! More of it!

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Did some magic in the past to show how it should look like:

But i allready chatted with an environment artist from anet who said that its unlikely that they will change it.

In the Beta they allready got alot of complaints saying “night is to dark”

And there were alot of threads in this forum talking about it.

We understand that not everyone will like it, that’s why it would be nice to have it as an option under graphics.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blur.3465


It would be sooooo nice and atmospheric! Adding this option in graphics would have been amazing!
I hope ANet considers this!
And thank you for posting this thread!


Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Everflame.1305


I doubt we’ll ever see this, but I love the idea. +1

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeidrich.8435


Great idea. Would take an extreme amount of effort to add to the existing lighting mechanics of the game. If this is approved and in the pipeline for the future, I wouldn’t expect it until next year at the earliest.

“This above all: to thine own self be true.”
-William Shakespeare

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Great idea. Would take an extreme amount of effort to add to the existing lighting mechanics of the game. If this is approved and in the pipeline for the future, I wouldn’t expect it until next year at the earliest.

If you read above posts apparently this feature was already in the game in the early stages and then they decided to remove it, so my best guess is it wouldn’t be that hard to bring it back.

Real Night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


They removed it due to so many people saying they couldn’t see very well. Apparently people had trouble seeing blatent floating names over things. Who knew?