Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802


Pretty simple. I normally don’t want something badly enough to say I’d pay for it if it were manufactured, but I’d pay out the bum for something like this. While many of the minis in this game are nice/cute/etc., the Griffon plushes are ADORABLE. Too adorable. Adorable enough for me to drop some real money on for a real version of one (or two, or three…)

I realize things like this aren’t high on the list of “possibly profitable things to do,” but I’d just like to ask if there are any plans to release real versions of any of the minis we encounter in-game, particularly the super friggin’ adorable and popular ones?

Thanks in advance. And please post if you agree with the absolute need for these things! It could serve as a sort of gauge of interest, perhaps?

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: RowdyGorgonite.7219


Yes. Absolutely yes.

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Good to know at least one other person agrees! I really can’t get over how adorable these things are. And they squeak! I’d honestly pay a premium for one IRL that looks exactly like the one in-game. Even if it’s used as late as next year as a special holiday release (“get it for a special someone!”), it’d be worth waiting a year.

I’d really just like to know if there are any considerations of rolling out any real productions of popular pets.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Andrir.1435


I would buy thousands of them! At first when I saw them I came to my mind. God kitten I want one for real. Sitting next to me when I play.

I would pay at least up to 50€ for one.


Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Agreed. I’d probably pay at least what I paid for the game for one to be sitting on my desk with me.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I would love to see a variety of plush toys to go with the plush charr.

  • Griffon
  • Quaggan
  • Hylek
  • Asura
    Give them that itty-bitty cuteness like the plush griffon in the game and you’re set.

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kazera.3162


I absolutely agree with this wholeheartedly. Real Plush Griffon toys please.

“From time to time,
there arise among human beings—
People, who seem to exude love as naturally as the sun gives out heat.”

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hex Kor.4089

Hex Kor.4089

I was thinking the same thing the moment I seen the Griffon. I NEED it to survive!

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Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: mechalynx.6471


A thousand times, yes. I’d buy for me and all the family members that play GW2, and there’s a whole bunch of them.

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ranwen.6507


Yes, please! Real plush griffons that look exactly like the ones in the game! They’d be perfect if they came with the in-game squeak, but I’d even pay good money for silent plushy pesky plush griffons.
I can’t believe I’m actually asking for merchandise to spend my money on, but … plush griffons!

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: kettering.6823


oh my god yes
and a real life Foostivoo. I would be ecstatic.

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I would throw money at my screen right now.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Magxene.2579


They are so adorable! Please take all my money ANet so I can purchase one !

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fatfox.4915


I’d love one, I mean, I don’t play WoW and even I’m tempted to buy their plushies (I think they do a baby griffon).
But if they are made, make sure there’s plenty of stock so they don’t run out almost straight away

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaskra.6940


I would love to see real plushes of the following: Plush Griffon, Princess Doll, Toy Ventari, Jungle Stalker, and Snow Leopard!

Jaskra Ryonative ~ Mesmer
Meredith Nic Éssus ~ Necromancer

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


I would like a plush Quaggan…. maybe you can put a battery/button in that does some Quaggan voice quotes “CooOOo, Quaggan likes you”.

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Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

i wouldnt buy either a quaggan or a plush griffon…. but anet i can really see theres money to be made here. real money. 15$ griffons that you can optionally buy through the gems store or this website. and if you could buy them through the gem store i might just be tempted enough. i know what i said earlier…. but they are kitten cute.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702


I would buy a plushie Griffin in a heartbeat (and maybe a Quaggan too). They just scream “hug me” and I must listen to their cries.

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Real Plush Griffons (I for one, would pay!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zellee.2465


I would buy a plushie quaggan

<3 Pink Golems