Realism for Mobs / Helper NPCs

Realism for Mobs / Helper NPCs

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


  1. Mobs should be able to jump, and those that can fly should use that ability to pursue a player in combat.
  1. Enemy that has reason to (bandits, svanir, predator creatures) should pursue a player instead of just chasing the player off of their turf.

NPCs that offer help for certain segments of quests would be invaluable. Some chapters of ones personal story would be impossible for some professions without the help of friends or friendly players willing to step in to lend a hand. This would also add another layer of immersion in the story.
- Continuing that line of thinking, the NPCs that do become part of your personal story shouldn’t treat you as an absolute stranger after an instance is over, as a human it gets ridiculous how Thackery, Countess Anise and others treat one as a nobody given how much the player has done to save the kingdom from implosion.
All in all though, a fantastic game!!!