Recapturing mail

Recapturing mail

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

I ask that you consider implementing a feature that would recover wrongly sent mails. at least before they are opened by the addressee. There must have been numerous occasions when a missed keystroke or, as in my case, careless reliance on auto-completion when typing the addressee caused a valuable item to be shipped into the ether, never to be seen again. If a character were able to recapture mail before the addressee opened it, that would be sufficient, because most mistakes would probably be realized within a few minutes of pressing “Send.” And given the number of people who are no longer playing GW2, if my guild roster is any indication, a host of those items wrongly sent are residing in what is essentially dead mail. If nothing else, such a feature might allow your support staff to concentrate on other queries, instead of sending yet another reply that “lost” items cannot be returned.