Red AoE circle update: alternatives?

Red AoE circle update: alternatives?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luridel.5728


I fully support changes being made to GW2 to better accommodate colorblind players and players who just have difficulty seeing the red AoE rings, and I’m very happy that’s being addressed. I really appreciate the intent behind the change.

However, the new rings make me intensely motion-sick – just something about the way they wiggle. In situations where there are numerous overlapping red AoE rings and my camera is stuck fairly close to the ground, such as in Subject Alpha fights (Crucible of Eternity), looking at them move makes me incredibly dizzy.

I still do have the option to turn AoE rings off entirely, but that leaves me with no way of differentiating player skills from enemy skills, particularly when the animations match (for example, both Subject Alpha and elementalists can drop dragon’s teeth).

Is there any chance that the “old” style of AoE rings might possibly be made available as an option for players who want it back?