“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
Redesign stealth/clones. Cute in theory...
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
I think you could of cut this post into 2 short paragraphs. One explaining why you are experienced enough to lay out the details of stealth, and the other saying just to increase the time between stealth.
Personally, 15-20 seconds would be too much. Many traits focus on the few seconds of stealth you get, and when you can only stealth for about 4 seconds (shadow arts trait) with the majority of stealth skills, you should be able to enter that somewhat often. I like the enter/exit of stealth concept, but it plays out poorly when it happens soo often. They could do 2 things (btw, I’m thief main since pre-release day 1, I know thief pvp, and pve and learned a fair amount of tricks to them to understand them)
1. Increase stealth debuff. Not to 15-20 seconds, but like 6 or 7 seconds. This gives non-stealth based professions a window of opportunity to strike the thief/mesmer while they are “vulnerable” and requests that they rely on dodge, evade, and mobility for a few seconds. I have fought a sword/pistol stealth thief and aside from him/her annoying me, they/I never died. It isn’t challeneging, its just the annoyance that takes away from a true duel that thieves are meant to excel at. Thieves don’t need to spam stealth, but a lot of ppl in pvp do so because of the current culling issue. But honestly, just lay down traps/AoE’s around escape paths and laugh as they get downed, it isn’t that hard to predict where a thief is about to go.
2. Increase stealth durations. Currently, only 1 skill allows for a semi-long stealth duration on thief (sticking with thief, as they are the center of stealth). Not suggesting 8 or 20 or perma stealth, thats not how thieves were designed. Not to mention if they get a longer stealth debuff it is only fair we get more options to a better stealth duration. 3-4 seconds isn’t that long especially when depending on traits/utility, some other professions get access to 5-6 seconds of no incoming direct damage…. Thieves can still be hit in stealth, its balanced whether people wana believe it or not.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Thieves can still be hit in stealth, its balanced whether people wana believe it or not.
Thieves can’t be targeted in stealth and far too many skills require a target to activate — the only exception is ground targeted AoE skills. Some classes get a lot more of those than others do.
Sorrows Furnace
Aside for the couple stealth ideas I don’t agree with, everything else is pretty much true. Really kudos for this post. I agree that some classes , though it might look interesting on paper, are not really well implemented, specially on a pvp basis. I don’t even play pvp, these two classes are what are turning me off from it. Yes I know there’s ways to fight them, but comparatively speaking they are way too hard to hit, at least compared to other classes. Mesmer is still somewhat ok since it’s a light armor and medium HP, making it kinda squishy (unless built tanky), so once you get rid of the closes, they are pretty much done. But thieves are another story. You can’t directly target them, you need to use aoe, and some classes just don’t have enough.
I also agree with how making a player unable to act is a poor design choice. Yes, I can get an enemy one shotting me if it’s somewhat predictable or avoidable. But we all know there’s tons of mobs with knockdowns which will make you unable to act and kill you instantly unless you have a stun breaker or stability skill on your utilities, which might not always be the case. Even on the very first dungeon we get those scavengers. I’m pretty sure everyone knows what I’m talking about. And that’s not even a boss
You’re right I rambled A LOT. My main point I kept trying to stomp in the ground is there needs to be a longer reveal debuff. Even if there was no culling at all. 3 seconds… Factoring in we may need to tab target or click on them again to regain target whichever is faster. That leaves us almost no time to actually get off an attack considering every ability in the game has a short delay “cast time” before it actually fires off. There are very few instant cast abilities in this game.
Like I said if you are the opponent you spend a lot of time not playing the game. Only in short windows do you actually get to do something. And predicting a Thieves movement… How exactly do you do that when he can see you and you can’t see him? He just has to move wherever you’re not going. lol
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”