Reduce mob density and respawn rate

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I realize this is a very busy period for the game and that developers are scared of players “competing” for quest mobs and objectives. This is understandable, although it’s rarely been a real issue.

But it seems like ANet has gone totally overboard when trying to deal with this (non-) issue.

The respawn rates of many mobs, especially in and around Orr, is ridiculous. Regardless of how many people are in the vicinity, I’ve seen mobs respawn as quickly as 10 seconds following their death.

The average respawn rate out in the world seems to be roughly 30 seconds, which is still way too quick, especially if you consider the overall very high mob density.

The fact that Guild Wars 2 dynamic combat encourages movement…and thus brings a lot of potential for pulling adds, further enhances this effect.

Some places in Orr seem to be particularly excessive. I recall a situation from yesterday, where my character was exploring a cave (the one Treehearne uses to heal Orr). I killed the local mobs, opened the chest, opened my map to select a waypoint…..only to be locked into combat before clicking because the same mobs had just respawned. Overall it was no more than 10 seconds.

That’s just excessive, regardless of how many people are playing.

You can’t have high density and high respawn rates. It just feels frustrating and tedious.

I believe mobs should respawn at a rate of roughly 1 per minute out in the world, downscaling to as low as 2 per minute with a high player density. I doubt it would have a noticeable impact on the ability to do quests but it would certainly make exploration and travel less tedious.

That’s all.

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I mentioned this already several times (plus some suggestions how to re-design the system, a little more innovative one), plus the really small comfort zone (the radius before they reset)… It can really get annoying! But I never got the attention I think it should have gotten!

So, I have to agree! Not for Orr, in general!

(edited by Replect.3407)

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: bwilsor.8013


I agree, Orr can be quite tough to progress through. I’ve been in quite a few situations that I’ve had to ping pong back and forth between continuous re-spawns. It has made traveling across the zones very long and tedious. It seems worse underwater.

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExiledDiclonius.1653


I agree that Orr is quite insane and almost impossible to explore without a group. Respawn times should be a little bit longer since there is so many mobs around and most of all there should be not so much mobs with pull abillity.

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


The density of every creature in this game is crazy. I am fairly certain that the dev team went through cases of this stuff when designing the environments.

(edited by Crazylegsmurphy.6430)

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Orr isn’t the only zone that suffers from this, they all do, although with some it’s more noticeable than others.

Dynamic combat + insane mob density + insane mob respawn rate = a huge amount of unnecessary frustration.

This really has to be addressed asap. Under no circumstances are sub 30-seconds respawn timers acceptable.

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mrpopo.4593


orr is crazy agree

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightingale.6820


if Orr was like every other zone….. it wouldn’t be Orr anymore.
I might be alone in my opinion, but I like that it’s a place where it takes skill/friends to survive.

respawn rate is a little bit odd sometimes thou. not short or long just “varied”. (I have seen the same mob die once only to come back 15 sec later one time. and an other to not come back at all (at least for the 3-4 min i was standing in the area chatting))

Reduce mob density and respawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daenji.5280


I would like to see the respawn rate be reasonable but I’d prefer to see the mob density reduced. There are simply way too many areas in the game where moving just a short distance in any direction necessitates dozens of combat encounters. Please consider changing one or the other. +1 for reducing either the respawn rate or the mob density.