Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


The original Guild Wars was wonderful in the aspect that it encouraged you to try things that might be difficult (and result in being killed). The death penalty was similar to the current downed penalty in that you came back with less overall health. (Thus making it harder to do, if you kept dying.)

Guild Wars 2 seems to discourage dying by putting a monetary penalty on it with the repair costs of armor. I’m cool with this, honestly, if it weren’t for also having to pay a waypoint fee to respawn.

If I’m in a difficult area (like taking on Veteran/Champion mobs), then it’s not likely for a friendly passerby to come revive me… So I have to revive at a waypoint. For a cost that is similar to repair costs that I will have to pay.

In the original GW, you could resign and respawn in the last town for no additional cost. (You could even map travel to any town for no cost, but that’s beside the point.)

I think it’s absurd to have to pay TWO fees when you’re downed. In my opinion, if ArenaNet is insistent on having repair costs, then they should make reviving at a town’s waypoint free.

The primary reason I suggest this is: If you’re exploring low-level content, you don’t get as much gold, but the costs for repairs and waypoint travel remain the same.

I thought the goal of the level scaling was to encourage players to continue exploring all areas even after reaching level 80.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


I’d be fine with higher repair costs but free waypoints, dead should be punished, but traveling and exploration encouraged.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


As I said, I’m fine with repair costs… But having to pay TWO tolls after death is what irks me.

I’m also fine with waypoints costing money regularly (I mean, you’re paying for the convenience of getting where you want to go faster)… It’s just when having to pay that AND repair costs, especially when they both scale up based on your base level (and not cost-scaled around the content).

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I agree with the OP, penalising players twice is not good. In my opinion, the closest WP should always be free, no matter the distance between the player and the nearest WayPoint. And if a player chooses a different WayPoint, then a cost could be incurred.

Basically when a player dies, there should be a box that says “Resurrect at <insert Waypoint name here>, or choose a different waypoint (click to show map)”.

Now if a player chooses to show the map, then the “free” WayPoint is marked on the map for them to still choose if they wish.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cookie.1840


There’s been tell of Cantha and Elona possibly being added in future. I’m not a fan of paying to travel now, and it will get more expensive as these distances increase

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Rewards are scaled to level not zone.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

I’m just glad we can’t lose our equipment by dying. DDO and Mabinogi both had a durability bar on weapons and armor, and you had to repair more of it if you died. Unfortunately they also instituted a chance of permanently lowering the durability of the equipment to the point that it became useless to you. One or two hits and it would crumble. Worst idea ever, i don’t know who thought that would be fun.

As for WP, i’m using the Heart of Mists to Lion’s Arch to Asura Gate to the nearest town to wherever i want to get to more and more these days. It’s cheaper, though slower (more loading screens).

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


You pay nothing for being downed, you only have to pay when you die.

The armor repair cost is the price for death.

The waypoint cost is the price for either epic failure or traveling alone. If you had somebody with you, either they died too (epic fail), or they can resurrect you.

I also cannot count how many times I see somebody enter the downed state on my map and I run to help them. Before I can get there, they die. I start to get them back on their feet and they waypoint away (I have been guilty of this from time to time, I have to admit). The waypoint cost on death is easily avoided, but so many people choose to pay it.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I have to agree that it is double jeopardy when you die you have to pay for the waypoint plus find a repair somewhere near to pay for repairs. This only adds insult to injury since you pay for repairs too.

I have an 80 character that whenever she dies in a lower level area, she pays the same high cost to rez at a waypoint plus the higher cost of repairs as she would in a higher level area. I understand they base this cost on your level, but, since we mentor down to the level we are in, the cost should not be identical to the higher level costs. It should balance to the level you are in.

However, I still think it unjust to charge for dying when you know you are going to have to pay for repairs anyway once you do rez. I think there is merit in the idea of being offered a free rez at the nearest town or waypoint or pay for a specific spot using your map choices.

I like to explore and am doing so on a lower level alt now but have been overly cautious with where I go and what I engage in because of this cost. I truly dislike paying twice for something that should not be doubled.

(edited by lynspottery.6529)

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Make Dungeon Waypoints act the same as City Waypoints. i.e. travel to any Waypoint in-dungeon for free.

Completely agree the double fee is needlessly punishing.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loswaith.3829


Allot of the time you can actually replace your armour for less than the repair costs as well (ie. Items that vendor/buy off the TP for around 50ish copper while to repair that one same item costs you 70+ copper, while a net replace would cost maybe 10-15 copper).
Repair costs appear to be scalled to level not the ‘value’ of the damaged item.

Though overall yes double paying for a “death” seems a bit much, prticularly if you have no option (due to low population for your area/ play time), or simply actually being an explorer type player that likes to go everywhere (allot will be alone due to explorer type people being in the general minority if it doesnt have some kind of map completion factor).

(edited by Loswaith.3829)

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

Make Dungeon Waypoints act the same as City Waypoints. i.e. travel to any Waypoint in-dungeon for free.

Completely agree the double fee is needlessly punishing.

Dungeon waypoints are free. At least they were two days ago…

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I definitly agree and posted this idea several times on this forum. We already pay repair costs, which is fine, but paying for wp costs to revive? Thats not reasonable. The nearest waypoint, which is easily calulated and doesn’t allow abuse to free map travel across Tyria, should be free on death. It lets players get back into combat quicker and encourages people to finish the event instead of saying “kitten that, I’ve spent too much already..”

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reitha.4810


I agree, reviving at the nearest waypoint should be free.
It would encourage people to try more things, and not feel like they have to ‘avoid’ the death penalty by being safe.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerk.2709


I agree, especially when taking on lower level zones with waypoint fee scaled to your actual level.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: XiaMae.9874


I agree, reviving at the nearest waypoint should be free.
It would encourage people to try more things, and not feel like they have to ‘avoid’ the death penalty by being safe.

This and what the person above me said.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Other than WvW where you are dying more than you are making loot, I don’t see the problem.

General waypointing at high level is a bit pricey and a cut in that would be in order, but compared to games where you lose hours of XP for dying, the way it works in GW2 is great.

Unless you are really bad at playing you generally make more than enough to cover repair costs and waypoint cost in PvE. One tip, get decent gear and move around. And don’t play a glass cannon build if you can’t handle dying. Grouping or at least hanging around with other players killing similar mob also makes ahuge difference. Plus they usually rez you unless there is a wipeout.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Agreed, the closest waypoint should be free. I’ve often wondered “what happens if I’m broke and then I die?”

Is someone supposed to happen upon my corpse and go “oh hey, I should res them!”

I get how most people do this but there could be game-breaking instances where this doesn’t happen…

This current system of double whammy wasn’t well conceived.
Make the closest waypoint free upon death and for the love of god Anet please, please, please scale the cost of waypoint to our effective level. I shouldn’t have to pay silver to waypoint in a lvl 1-15 area…ever.