Regarding abilities tied to Weapons

Regarding abilities tied to Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: daragoz.4137


Since ive started playing gw2 i’ve always thought oddly of the way your first 5 abilities in this game are selected, its unique ill give you that., however i believe it to be flawed in one fundamental flaw and it boils down to choice.
We deffinetly have enough ability slots gw1 shows us that, however what gw2 is lacking is the ability to select all of your abilities. i always hate comparing video games but i feel the gw2 ability setup is very much like running diablo 3 while you arent in “elective mode” and you can only select specific abilitys for specific slots rather than any ability for any slot.
In my opinion i think a great fix for this would be instead of “changing” anything simply adding MORE skills ON TOP off what you already have.
What im saying is keep the weapon abilities you have seperated for each weapon but add more abilities in each category and allow players to chose amongst the categories to which number slot each is to be placed.
so an example for a warrior would be he he/she had a great sword equiped the 5 abilities would pop up, however in the weapon skills menu you could switch and swap your skills out instead of just look at weapon tooltips.