Regular Server Restarts, Please

Regular Server Restarts, Please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nailath.8570


With all the missing NPC’s and bugged events, I think it would be possible to ‘fix’ those problems temporarily by restarting the server every 24 hours. I know this will not fix the issue that causes them to vanish or bug out, but should make them respawn at least for a while until the root issue is solved.

I think a restart every 24 hours would be a good thing for the time being.


Regular Server Restarts, Please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


I’d just like to see a watchdog timer added; if you can’t complete the event in 30 minutes, somethign went wrong, kill it and restart.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Regular Server Restarts, Please

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarkWalker.4385


Another suggestion for the bugged events:

- Determine how long each event is supposed to take, or else take an amount of time that is guaranteed to be larger than how long the event lasts.
- Multiply that time by 5.
- Add code so that, if the event has been running that long, without progress, it gets reseted, including all related NPCs. Also fire a log message stating that the event was reseted due to apparently being stuck, so the devs can take a closer look.

With that:

- There would be a safety net for stuck events. Doesn’t excuse ANet from fixing the events, but at least they wouldn’t stay bugged for days at a time.
- It shouldn’t ever affect events that players are doing, since their progression is constantly being updated.
- It’s way faster than waiting for a reset at a fixed time. An event that takes 12 minutes would reset after being stuck for an hour, for example.

As a complement, make it so any mob that, for the last 15 minutes, had as the only attacks that landed ones he was immune due to not being able to fight back, is reseted, with the fact being logged somewhere the devs can see. The 15 minutes timer should prevent any feasible exploit.