Remove Daily Healer "chore"
Do Jorlag event – easy completion and get chest for it.
if youre playing this game as its meant to be played ie at a challenging area(level adjustments are there for a reason) and with other people (its an mmo) then 10 revives is nothing. what would you rather ? a walking distance one? or a trading post one? reviving is something you should be doing anyway and youre getting an additional prize for it. seriously give a suggestion to take its place i want to see what a better idea is in your eyes.
The healing one is one of the easiest ones to do. There’s so many dead npc laying around or wvw. For example in gendarran fields there’s an area called bloodfields where there are always a lot of dead npc that keep appearing there. Just hang around the area for about 10 minutes and you have your achievement. There’s also an event in Nebo terrace right behind it where a lot of the npc tend to die. It’s really not that hard.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Every map has at least one Heart or area where dead NPCs are constantly spawning. (some examples include Shaemoor Garrison in Queensdale, the Owl Lodge in Snowden Drifts, Thaumanova Reactor in Metrica Province, and the Zopatl Grounds in Caledon Forest.) Just head to that area and res every NPC you see.
Some events also generate a ton of dead NPCs, like the Giant attack on Nageling in Diessa Plateau, or the Svanir attack on Snowdrift Haven in Wayfarer Foothills. Once you know where these hotspots are, completing the Daily Healer is an easy task.
Completely against removing this.
If ANet removed every Daily option that someone suggested removing, there would be no dailies. Because there is one person vocal enough to hate it and suggest removing it.
If it really bothers you that much, just be patient, we’ll be getting a do 4 of 6 choice for the Dailies eventually. Eventually, you’ll be able to skip Healer.
The enemy need to win DE’s more often.
This will create more downed npc’s and let us see more of the event chains.
For you to call it a “chore” is rather depressing for two reasons.
1. Since when was doing your daily mandatory?
- Answer: Never.
So, it’s not a chore, it’s an optional task to complete within the game.
2. Why would reviving people be a chore?
- Answer: It’s not.
Assuming the player is actually roaming Tyria or doing a dungeon, any player can easily encounter over 10 players or NPCs to revive within 2~3 hours, even if they’re not looking for them.
This thread, and many other complaints about the Healer and Dodger are simply a result of short-term impatience, which is bull——.
I’ll accept complaints about acquiring a Legendary being tedious any day, but 10 revives? Go back to elementary and try again!
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
Sparkfly Fen, the Frog village in the center of the map… done. Easiest daily “chore” other than visit a laurel vendor.
You do know npc’s count as a revive? You don’t have to look hard to find already dead npcs.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Sparkfly Fen, the Frog village in the center of the map… done. Easiest daily “chore” other than visit a laurel vendor.
Says you. I’d probably revived 40 things by sheer accident before I figured out what on earth a ‘laurel vendor’ was.
Sparkfly Fen, the Frog village in the center of the map… done. Easiest daily “chore” other than visit a laurel vendor.
OMG that Laurel vendor one is SO TEDIOUS isn’t it? I say keep the healer daily