Remove Movementspeed slow when attacked

Remove Movementspeed slow when attacked

in Suggestions

Posted by: Althere.2637


One thing that really bugs me is that when you get attacked you get slowed until the agro is gone. This is really anoying if you are doing the 4:th fractal when you have to jump. I have died countless of times because of that slow and I just dont want to make some jumps anymore because of that slow. I’m not sure if it’s only me but i would like this to be removed, would help a lot!
Thanks for reading!

Hope you have a good day! :D

Remove Movementspeed slow when attacked

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


PvE is greatly tied with WvWvW, so its kind of impossible to remove it

Remove Movementspeed slow when attacked

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


I dare say there is also syncing issues, if your movement is too fast in combat you end up getting to the point where your taking hits from things far away or hitting things from across the map or such.

Remove Movementspeed slow when attacked

in Suggestions

Posted by: Everflame.1305


Dodging really helps. Give it a shot. Seriously, these forums are full of people wanting to remove every aspect of this game that makes it even remotely challenging.

Remove Movementspeed slow when attacked

in Suggestions

Posted by: stof.9341


Dodging in the middle of a jumping puzzle is hardly a smart thing to do usually.

Remove Movementspeed slow when attacked

in Suggestions

Posted by: smeen.4237


I agree with Everflame. Dodging solves a lot of issues you might have with the slowed down movement.

I don’t do jumping puzzles so I don’t know how to fix movement in that though.