Remove Rally ability from WvW

Remove Rally ability from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Idea: Remove the ability to resurrect yourself by killing opponents in WvW, or modify it in some way

Reason: WvW is seemingly designed so that a new player can join in without being a hindrance (other than taking up space on the server which I’ve never seen anyone care about) and know they will almost certainly be welcome to play. But the system of rally means that they can be a negative aspect to a battle, because when they die the other side gets ressed. I have recently seen how seriously certain “pro” players can take this when a guild who hopped to my tier4 server were being rude anti-social and borderline abusive over team chat in their efforts to stop players following their zerg (cause they didn’t want “noobs” to rally the other side), I can only imagine how desperate these efforts must be on tier1 servers.
Since then I have been paying more attention to this aspect in zerg battles and notice that rally is a lot more common than you think it is when you first start out and have noticed players repetitively getting dieing rallying others getting ressed and dieing again who have prob lost us several battles.
It is my opinion that no one should ever have the opportunity to be a hindrance in PvP, and there should never be a reason for groups of players to want to exclude others especially on the lower tier servers.

Major change I’m suggesting and I’ll be amazed if it happens, but don’t ask then don’t get… and I still have the benefit of seeing the game through a new persons view of it

Underworld Battalion [WvW]