Remove WvW from Map completion.
Lets not forget about the people who would rather get their map completion than help their team.
Yeah, map completion and pvp should be separate.
15 char
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
WvW stays in 100% map completion
/signed map completion is more of a pve goal and as such should not be in w3
Officer of “Defiance[RUN]”
/signed map completion is more of a pve goal and as such should not be in w3
Why is it a PvE goal? Lol. It’s a game goal, a map goal.
Though I do agree that WvW players only caring for their map completion is bad, if you’re on the same team as them that is, otherwise it’s fun to hunt them down and ruin their day.
I don’t have a problem with WvW being part of 100% map completion. There is absolutely no reason why you should be able to get 100% map completion in a week. If you absolutely can’t get the parts of the map that are in an opponent’s section of the map, then just wait a few weeks until the servers rotate and you have a chance of being on a different section of the map…
I don’t have a problem with WvW being part of 100% map completion. There is absolutely no reason why you should be able to get 100% map completion in a week. If you absolutely can’t get the parts of the map that are in an opponent’s section of the map, then just wait a few weeks until the servers rotate and you have a chance of being on a different section of the map…
Or play WvW, get a group of your fellow server members together, and take that position! Benefit your server, and your exploration progress. I know this is what i did to get 100%
Do realize this is not GW1, there are many players (several of my friends infact) That have no plans on ever stepping foot into PvP or W3 no matter how hard I try to get them to join me there.
Map completion is a PvE thing, it is exploration that literally can be completed with minimal combat if you truly wish to get creative. Forcing people that have no interest in PvP to go into W3 to be used as fodder will only hurt the game’s longevity.
Ways to kill a game’s PvP? Force people to go there rather than give them (equal) incentive to go there or create a PvP only stat.
Ways to kill a game’s PvE and thus kill your game? Force anyone into PvP situations.
As someone who enjoys PvP…I rather fight those who also enjoy PvP than take cheap shots at people who honestly don’t wish to be there in the first place. I enjoy charging into fights outnumbered and winning through skill rather than steamrolling over the lone map completionist and being just a kitten. Lets just remove those types from the field of battle and leave them to places they actually want to be. Everyone is happy then, well exept the no skillers that hunt those lone individuals for jollies.
I am all for this too. I just got to the last area in Orr and realized I had to go into the WvWvW lands to get 100% which was my main goal. I have no desire to even set foot in WvWvW its not my thing in the slightest. Its kind of disheartening to the point I don’t want to finish the last area and the personal story on my warrior. I’m sure some would say thats over reacting, but to a fair degree it hinders me playing the way I want to and achieve what I want to achieve. I don’t want to pvp much and I don’t want to be forced into it to complete what I feel is a pve goal. Besides I would just be taking up valuable space in the enternal battle ground and what not trying to get that done and basically leaving my server one man down among a group of people who care about WvWvW
Okey, so I understand why people want to get rid of the WvW requirement. It would make things easy. It would make things unbelievably easy. Heck, everyone would have the little start there in 2 weeks.
Am I the only one thinking 100% map should be harder?
I mean like way harder.
It took a long time in GW1 to reach 100% map, and was in fact divided to several tiers. It took me just few weeks to get the 93% PvE content down, and believe me I didn’t rush it. I just play alot since I like the game. Now I got 99% and I’m waiting for a slight rotation in the WvW to get the remaining 1%. Its that easy. Too easy.
It doesn’t really feel too rewarding. I mean, GW1 you would display your title and people are like “WOAH! You’ve really been around, eh?” But these stars? Its like… meteor storm. Everyone has one.
So yeah, absolutely keep the mists-map requirements, maybe add few POI’s into dungeons and whatnot. And… I don’t know, something harder. Like, tame Zaithan by beating it alone and then ride it to a desert island, shake hands with Chuck Norris (after beating him, alone) and then kill every mob in the game within 24h.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
and spending a couple hundred hours exploring isnt hard? seems plenty hard to me considering a lot of real life time constraints. waiting on server rotations to finish the map is not added difficulty its an annoyance and a hindrance and going into an area where a lot of strict pve’ers dont want to go. should they be punished from achieving their desired milestone because they have that much of an aversion to anything pvp? I get that GW1 was the good ol’ days and what not. been there and done that myself. if anything WvW should be considered a different achievement. Think more about the long term of this game. we can be sure there will be expansions and new continents and thus new exploration goals. might as well separate WvW out now and not have to worry about fudging wwith the future exploration requirements come expansion time.
While spending time doesn’t equal difficulty, lets let that slide for now.
I like how everyone uses word “punish” when talking about going to WvW maps to explore.
But let me ask you:
Why should the players be rewarded for disliking certain content of the game?
No offence, but you’re basically saying: “I do not like this, so I shouldn’t have to do it. But I still want the reward requiring it.” Or at least that is how I see it. Of course, this is only my opinion.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
k maybe punish was a wrong word in this context. how about annoying, nuisance, detracting, conflicting focus, nonsynergistic, and a pain. that better?
i was trying to detract from all the opinion based crap and offering an alternative that you seemed to have glossed over. the requirement will most likely be an issue come expansion time. new continents and what not. have a WvW achieve and reward. have a vanilla pve achieve and reward. then an exp 1, 2, etc reward. then maybe have some grand reward for doing all of it. not too different from GW1 if i recall correctly. personally i wouldn’t be too annoyed if WvW was just a piece in the total expolration as long as I was getting recognized for my efforts and trying to see all pve has to offer. heck I may even muster the motivation to go in WvW from time to time.
see i avoided opinion based assumption on what should be. obviously i feel WvW is a separate entity from the pve and lore content. I’m sure more than a fair amount will agree. sure others won’t. you seem to be of the camp who thinks oh I got time and want things to be super hard so most people will say screw this noise, not worth it so I can feel super special awesome. i assume you can see how i view that as some elitist point of view and really not correlating with the GW2 community at large. sure there are lots of people with different point of views so how do we best address all their issues. my suggestion i feel is reasonable and can be accepted by most of the community and address potential future exploration conundrums. feel free to give an alternative that is constructive.
I definitely agree with the OP. In fact there is a very active thread on this subject here:
Lots of very good arguments there pointing out how this change could benefit PvE and PvP players.
Show your support for Cantha’s return in GW2! Please join us in the Cantha Thread.
Many thanks to Wooden Potatoes for his outstanding lore video, a real tribute to Cantha.
… you seem to be of the camp who thinks oh I got time and want things to be super hard so most people will say screw this noise, not worth it so I can feel super special awesome. i assume you can see how i view that as some elitist point of view and…
Maybe I should once again repeat: “Time doesn’t equal difficulty.” To elaborate, this basically means that I do not care how long/little it takes as long as it feels difficult enough to get that feeling of achievement in the end. So please do not make groundless accusations about my playing habits.
Well, tbh this seems to be going nowhere. This conversation is just milling on the same old same old as every other conversation about the 100% exploration. There are people who want things to be easier, and there are people who disagree with this.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
lol if you want super hard difficulty go play demon souls or something. you keep dodging all of my valid points to this argument. instead you knit pick and take out of context my statements so you can again feel super special awesome. My issue was never a matter of difficulty. mine was a matter of annoyance and a factor that truly takes away from the enjoyment. If hunting for all the points in WvW was even remotely fun I would just shut up and do it. but getting ganked 10 feet from a vista is a far cry from fun. again i will repeat my issue: it is a factor of fun not difficulty. hunting in WvW for a pve concept is annoying and a hindrance. you disagree. thats great. i give you a hug. but I bet you will find a vast majority on my end of thinking or at least ones that can appreciate it.
(edited by Braonie.6127)
It’s not about making the achievement easier. The issue is that people who enjoy pve are forced to go into a pvp free-for-all area to get map completion. As a result, when I enter WvW I don’t go there to help my fellow players, I go there to map and get out fast as I can. I’m sure I’m not alone.
As it stands map completion doesn’t depend on determination or skill, it depends on whether your server holds an area because no matter how good a player you are, you can hardly storm the castle alone.
(edited by UncrushablePigeon.8760)
I would like to point out that there are people, aka me, that cannot play WvW because their computer doesn’t render opposing players until they are dead on the ground. My computer has no problem loading large groups of NPC’s, and I had no problem solo mapping Cursed Shore, but WvW is another animal entirely. And being forced to wait months for maps to rotate or switching world every week is an easy way to kill someone’s interest in the game in general, by giving them something to aim for, that they can never get. My proposition, in another topic, is to create a dual world completion titles. Giving people in PvE the chance to do the completion that their computers allow, and giving people who enjoy exploring in PvP a chance to do that as well.
I’m okay with it being part of the map completion, but I believe they did that on purpose to have the players try out WvWvW.
Fred you are completely separated from the majority of the PvE only community. It is a fact that the vast majority of Guild Wars 2 players do not participate in WvWvW and have no intentions of doing so. In regards to this, our opinion counts more than those of you who are interested in PvP because we are the more concentrated portion of the guild wars 2 user base. You can argue and complain all you want, but the fact remains you are a little tiny group (and most likely person) that is not a voice of the larger community. I have no problem venturing into WvWvW, but I still feel that forcing those who want 100% world completion to explore content they either A. are not interested in or B. never going to succeed at for lack of PvP talent is preposterous and I think Arenanet would do well to acknowledge this argument. Give me one good reason we should all have to go into a PvP world that doesn’t involve you claiming all of the non competitive players are babies and I may consider retracting my argument, but judging from your previous comments that is extremely doubtful. You make zero valid points that actually pertain to the substance of this thread.
Sneaky way to get people to try WvW. Don’t mind having had to explore it, however it was annoying to “scout” out 3 borderlands that were 98+% identical anyway.