Remove commander tags from PvE
isn’t that a main rule, when you farm like mad to show off you become a butt, play normally and you know how to be nice.
i have born leadership skills yet i don’t care about some arrow above my head, i rather let my skills speak for it self then showing off by buying a 100 gold item that doesn’t tell anything.
As a commander u have responsibility!
It should require lvl 80 to get it – not lvl ! 11 !!!!
I am a commander and a Guild leader. I havn’t been a commander for very long. I have seen too many commanders behave like crap, I refuse to behave like they do!
So what do I do?
I am NOT Commander in WvW – my experience it too small for that.
When in PvE I try to help ppl. How do I do that?
I try to listen to what ppl want!
I am silent! As I’m very visible on the map, ppl can choose themselves if they want to follow me or not. If they ask if there is a champ at my location I’ll answer but i will never comand ppl to “do this” or “do that”.
In case ppl want me to liknk WP’s I do so.
In scarlet invasions I wait till the buch of commanders that want to zerg have picked a spot and the I go to a different one (i cannot understand why there need to be 4 commander in one spot as they are all at – the same spot???). Even with One commander and the ppl that usually follows, there will still be enough of ppl to get decent loot.
I ress ppl! As many as I can!
If I tend to be chased by the other commanders and their zergs and have to run away all the time not to be where the entire maps population is, I simply Tag off. I’m not needed in that case, as running all the time wont get anything done.
As commander I try to treat others the way I wish others would treat me!
U will see me out there, but only when I’m needed (not very often)…. U’ll never see me in LA or when I’m just hanging around somewhere as i HATE to show off. That is not the reason I got it.
I would like to see the removal of commanders from PvE. They should only be in WvW and PvP.
The reason I say this, is because the commanders on my server are rude, nasty, and inconsiderate. They are selfish. During the last week of the clockwork chaos, they got information about the new build and what would be coming. Therefore, they went on a farming rampage for champs, and didn’t want to defeat Scarlet. They are still doing it with the random invasions.
Players who needed the win of defeating Scarlet were denied this achievement because the commanders on the field refused to help. A group of us are now trying to deny these commanders their champs they are farming by defeating the Aetherblades before they can get to them. But I feel if you removed their commander tag ability from PvE, this will stop.
Just because they were able to purchase the commander tag, doesn’t make them commanders. This is not how commanders should act towards their fellow players and I’m sure this is not how Anet wants players to behave towards each other.
So Please consider this strongly. Thanks
It’s a person behind the commander rather than the commander status issue.
Therefore, you are basing your opinion on those specific commander actions, so it’s biased.
A commander purpose is to make group activity more coordinated. They cannot please everyone, so it’s casuistic.
Bearing these point in mind i disagree with this suggestion.