Remove monster Invulnerability

Remove monster Invulnerability

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


There’s nothing more annoying than a monster that suddenly decides that it’s “no longer in combat” or “in a place where it cannot attack you”. Monsters resetting themselves in combat is a very large annoyance and doesn’t weigh against any exploits it may prevent. Especially since it’s as bugged as it is now. I’ve had monsters in underwater fights reset midfight for no apparent reason. Neither it nor me even moved. It’s even ‘funnier’ when mobs can attack you but you cannot damage them due to the invulnerability nonsense.

Please, remove this ‘punish-player-for-playing-smart’ mechanic. You’re really not doing anyone any favors.

Or at the very least, make players leave combat if monsters do!

[Edited by moderator due to caps]

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Remove monster Invulnerability

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


Yes this is a very big issue for me, all annoyance causing (and presumably unintended) bugs aside I don’t think it’s right or fair for monsters to be able to be invincible because they can’t attack you. If you are on a cliff attacking something and they can’t attack you that is smart positioning on your part and to be punished for that isn’t right.

Monsters should instead go oh I’m being attacked, can’t attack the attacker so lets move out of range.

Also in the same vein I’ve had some instances where I was in a fight, the monster was attacking me as well and then like it had decided it was bored or done with the fight it ran away and regenerated to full health even as I was still attacking it. I’m not sure if programmatically the two issues would be connected but from a player standpoint it seems they are.

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