Remove the Rez daily, Please.

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

Not because it is hard, or time consuming.

It promotes a divisive and unnatural game play.

It’s not right to be yelled at and called a “griefer” if you happen defend an NPC. It is not right to be told not to defend on Escorts. It is not right to be told not to defend an outpost event, because there will be more dead NPCs if you don’t.

I wouldn’t want to explain to a newb why 5 people are standing and doing nothing while a single villager is being eaten by wolves. Why all the potential “heroes” of Tyria would rather people die than help them.

Immersion is tossed about often. Well, for me, this is a total immersion killer, and it is promoting conflict between players who want to do an event in the spirit of the event, and those who just want to rez as many bodies as possible.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


while when there was not a daily ress lot of people, me included (once reached the ressing achievement for battle healer title) run through dead npc without even care… was this immersion breaker? yes, and still no complain about it before

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Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mogturmen.2638


I couldn’t agree more. My son was joking with me: “Why are you letting that wasp beat up on the villager?”My response: “It’s a daily, and it’s to my benefit to let him die then revive him.” It does seem like a silly daily to me as well given we’re supposed to be saving people from the evil, not letting them succumb to it for our own devices. As for fallen allies, for some reason I ALWAYS revived them, even before the daily. Don’t know why, other than I felt bad that my allies were laying on the ground and I got a bit of XP for it, so why not?

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


The last time I did this daily a few days ago, I didn’t go out of my way to find dead NPC’s. I might have left any enemy fighting an NPC for last, but I didn’t just sit there and do nothing. There are enough dead NPC’s around to not have to not defend an NPC in order to get it.

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


There are tons of dead NPCs all over Orr. Several beginner areas I can think of as well. There are always dead Hunters outside the Hunting Lodge in Queensdale. And the Fishing Village in Viathan’s Arm (Kessex Hills) has a heart quest that is almost entirely done by reviving folks around town. No need to wait on monsters to kill NPCs there. They respawn pre-deadified for you.

You just need to find a spot you like. Maybe you can suggest one of these prime locales for the people standing around, and tell them it is a lot faster than waiting for someone to die. Then you can be a hero to the onlookers as well as the NPCs wearing wolf-chow undies.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

Whatever. No matter, Queensdale and Warfarer will still be packed with players filling chat boxes with epithets and all caps yelling towards bewildered people attempting to do the right thing. It is a poor example to give someone just starting the game.

And I guess I really didn’t expect the majority to care.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

while when there was not a daily ress lot of people, me included (once reached the ressing achievement for battle healer title) run through dead npc without even care… was this immersion breaker? yes, and still no complain about it before

And nobody yelled at you and called you a griefer or idiot if you ran past them.

Rezzing, Defending, a personal choice before. Now, in given areas, we have a “community” harrassing people for playing the game in a perfectly normal manner.

THAT is the difference.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


never happened to me though. and i wouldn’t yell at someone for completing an event. nor i would call a griefer if someone kill the mob i try to dodge.
before 28th of january all people here complained about empty zones, and now it seems all people are filling all maps in the server ready to jump on your mob or yelling…
i did my dodge in frostgorge that is normally a pretty populated zone both with humans and bots usually and no one tried to kill my wurm

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Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Statictary.5206


I guess helping a player recover from downed state doesnt count?

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


One of my favorite spots to go to is Falias Thorp Waypoint in Caledon Forest at the point where the Nightmare Court already have it captured and you have to take it back from them. I run in, revive all the NPCs so they can help fight at the same time completing the daily. And yes, when we are trying to hold the waypoint, I let some guys die so I can revive for daily. No one is around when I do that sometimes, so what they don’t know won’t hurt them hehe

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Let’s just say that it’s always going to happen. People in games like this are ridiculously result-oriented.

What the Daily Healer is supposed to do is encourage people to resurrect dead NPCs and dead players. It’s not supposed to encourage people to let others die in vain so that they can get achievement points.

Personally, I still haven’t seen people just sitting around letting things die. What I have seen, on the other hand, is extremely fast resurrection upon death in an event that has people. Previously I had to lie there dead while they killed the current wave of Risen.

I like doing the opposite, though. I port to Harathi Hinterlands for the Modniir Chief Ulgoth chain to resurrect players.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Radio Isotope.3045

Radio Isotope.3045

Haha I was talking to my wife about the rez dailys as well. I will let someone die now just to get the daily done. Turned me into a @$%#… lol.. Doesn’t matter npc or player. lol

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Guild Founder

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


I tend to agree and I admit it’s brought about an undesirable element to the game.

  • Characters jumping off cliffs to die so others can revive them.
  • Players having their characters stand there and not help an NPC fight, just so they can revive them afterwards.
  • And worst; players abuse other players when they help an NPC.

The mechanics aren’t the problem; it’s the players. There’s always a percentage of the player-base that will exploit anything they can to get whatever reward they want faster/for less effort.

The idea was to get players to stop running past and revive players/NPCs they come across. Like usual a bigoted, selfish, materialistic, childish, rude, etc part of the player-base ruins it.

(edited by Reverielle.3972)

Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Enough with this constant QQ about the daily rez already! Grow a pair and quit being whiny little babies holy crap! It takes you a grand total of 10 minutes out of your day to complete it, and that’s if you spend 5 of it pickign your nose or running around in circles. They are GIVING away high quality loot with these laurels….how much more do you people want…oh I know maybe they shuld just get rid of daileis all together and mail us BiS gear each day. just send it right on to my inbox…..but wait..then people will complain their mailbox is full >.> * throws hands up and walks away from this nonsense *
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