Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stefanos.1673


I did not manage to find a thread like that anywhere so, I am posting my suggestion under a new topic. Here’s the situation in my server:
During the Shatterer and the Claw of Jormag encounters players, instead of properly following the battle’s tactics and the “story” of the event, they choose to pile up on certain “safezones” where the dragons’ attacks would not hit them. Those spots are situated:
1. Near the right front foot of Shatterer and
2. near the left front foot of the Claw
Standing there, they simply spam their ranged attacks and wait until the boss is dead.
Such behavior, however, downgrades the whole feeling of the event and diminishes its epic impact in our character’s story.
Therefore, my suggestion is simple: Make the dragons able to rain death upon those safezones.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


The dragons are already being reworked.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stefanos.1673


The dragons are already being reworked.

Could you please share a little more insight on that? Do you know what exactly they are reworking?

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stefanos.1673


More than a month after my initial opening of this thread, the issue still remains unresolved. Doomguard talked about “reworking” of the dragons but neither the latest patch nor the next one is going to have something to improve things. I am reopening this thread with all due respect because of the fact that I believe it is a serious issue disvalueing our gaming experience.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


The problem is, even if ArenaNet successfully “Re-work” the dragons, chances are it’ll still be a scripted event, and scripted events follow set patterns that will be gamed.
People will discover the quickest, most efficient and risk-free method of doing any new content within minutes of release.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phoenix.7845


Such behavior, however, downgrades the whole feeling of the event and diminishes its epic impact in our character’s story.

I think you are one of the few people who care about this. Most of the people just want the chest and there is no need for reworking the event, people will just find some other trick. Better just to leave it as it is.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcusdeblack.2307


No, it’s not better to leave it as it is.
The event is not faster, because some scrubs shoot dragon when he is Not Invulnable. The Claw event is always taking so long, because instead of protecting golems (or using bombs at shield also), peeps just sit and shoot him dealing him insanely low damage.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yinello.7068


As much as I’d love to have a more epic complex fight, with the lag that often happens with Jormag and such it’s quite hard to do anything except autoattack.

Ginni Gruesome, Necromancer of the College of Synergetics

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rump Buffalo.2594

Rump Buffalo.2594

The dragon fights are bad. If they are in fact being reworked i wouldn’t expect ANY changes for at least 6-8 months.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stefanos.1673


As I see from the popularity of this thread, there is little to no care for the matter… It is sad playing with such a community. I would like to thank all the people that commented.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stefanos.1673


As much as I’d love to have a more epic complex fight, with the lag that often happens with Jormag and such it’s quite hard to do anything except autoattack.

You could lower the graphics a bit. And what about the other 2 dragons?

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ent.1026


it’s interesting that you posted this a month ago.
i, too, care about the fights. i remember just a month ago when the Behemoth was a FUN FIGHT. you actually had to move when the air phase started…

now, he dies before the air phase even starts, lol.

the safe zones – particularly the one on the shatterer where all you do is stand there and fire at his foot- taking no damage and not moving- just for a chance at a yellow item you’ll just break for a glob of ecto anyway?
you could just as easily be searching google as fighting a dragon, for all the effort it takes.
the safe zone on jormag does seem to have been addressed, though. people still just stand on the ridge and die in huge numbers because all they do is attack the dragon instead of participating in the full battle, but such is gaming in an MMO. now, instead of killing the dragon in relative (if boring) safety, you now have the added entertainment of racking up a couple dozen revives.

Remove the "safezones" in dragon events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Personally I hope they leave the safe zones. My computer can only handle the lowest settings for these events and even then the lag and fps are bad. The fight often resembles a freeze frame disco and would be impossible if it required dodging. I doubt I am the only person with these problems.