Remove waypoint cost and why it is a problem
Remove waypoint cost from every single zone, not just cities.
The huge problem with waypoint cost is that it taxes exploring instead of grinding. Which is wrong with Guild Wars 2.
But then, you’ll say “gold sink!” or “Waypoint cost is cheap!”
Lets be honest, the most profitable activity is not exploring or going out into the world. It is dungeons or farming, which both are hit very low from waypoint cost. So in order to make money, you have to work long enough to make the waypoint cost miniscule. If you want to have fun by exploring, you have to have money and sometimes the cost to travel hinders the enjoyment for traveling. The money you get from Dynamic Events is so little compared to one run of any dungeon. Every dungeon, you can get around 1g. If you explore around a lower level zone, you’ll be lucky to get 20 silver at the end of the day but waypoints will eat all that money up in no time at all.
Black Lion TP is a better goldsink than waypoint. Repair cost in dungeons definitely make a good goldsink as well.
tl;dr: Don’t tax fun. Remove waypoint cost.
You seem to be looking at these costs as something you can’t get back… First off, pvp lobby or wvw lobby or any asuran gate can significanly reduce your travel costs from one side of hte map to another (because they’re free, just pay the 30 seconds of loading screens and keeping your head away from the desk). Secondly, look at where you are going.
Lets say you are doing dragons, teleport there. Do the event. Get tons of loot, and event coin, and the chest rewards.
Now lets say you wana go to orr. Well my guess is you’re there to either harvest nodes or do events. Both of which provide excellent money (dungeons are good monkey makers, but not everyone cares to repeate CoF and AC for life.).
Point is, you make that cost back so quickly you will hardly notice it. Now if your definition of “exploring” is teleporting to every zone without doing anything once there well then theres your problem… WP costs are just something ppl gata get used to, it isn’t breaking the econmy and it surely isn’t forcing anyone to walk from Metricia Province to Fireheart Rise.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I imagine the point of difference between the two camps is as follows:
Camp A (the one complaining about not making enough money back) are simply looking at the raw coin or merched loot they pick up. They do not factor in materials like cooking ingredients, mined ore or fine materials because they do not sell these items, instead opting to stockpile it for future personal use.
Camp B instead sells EVERYTHING they come across. Loot, materials, the lot. This increases their earnings by a considerable percentage.
As a result, Camp A sees a small – notable cost whenever they waypoint, because they are looking purely at the coin spent for waypoints vs the raw coin they earn from enemies and the occasional merched item. On the other hand, Camp B sees no issue at all, because the total sum of everything they have sold exceeds (sometimes vastly so, if the value of harvested or fine materials in the zone they are in is highly valued) the cost they spent to waypoint to an area.
Personally, I’m somewhere in the middle. I’m something of a penny pincher, so I don’t waypoint anywhere if I can help it, and I wouldn’t mind seeing waypoints becoming cheaper. (Maybe a Gem Store item that reduces waypoint costs by 25 – 50%?) However, I think that if you waypoint to an area and spend at least 5 – 10 minutes harvesting nodes and killing enemies, you will almost certainly get back enough in loot/materials to have made up the cost of your travel and then some. (Unless you’re very, very unlucky with RNG, of course.)
FYI those that did not play Gw1, it never had waypoint costs or armor repairs. It survives to this day. In fact many of us from Gw1 have gone back there after realising Gw2 was just an emulation of every other grindfest, money grabbing Mmo out there. Thing is, people who played those Mmo’s think is normal. It’s very difficult for those players to understand how an Mmo could survive without the obsolete grindfest, gear progression and in the last couple of years, P2P models out there.
Of course, like any company Arenanet has to survive and show some profit, yet I’d really hoped for more creative ways of doing so. It’s why I quit Aion, and it’s close to being why l quit Gw2.
Footnote: Btw l have six 80’s to port around, gear out etc, another getting close. However that said, my tips for cheap WP’ing is, if no one has already said are:
WP costs are ‘as the crow flies’ so check the nearest cultural region and closest WP to where you want to go.
If going to Orr, use your Order Asura Gate to get to Fort Trinity, The Grove to Cursed Shores. Sootberne in Mt Maelstrom has bank and TP. Though why why there is not one at FT is beyond me.
Or to get back to LA, simply go to WvW and run thru Lion’s Arch gate. Unless Wvw servers have just reset in which case there could be long queues to get into maps.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
We are playing a game. I get too much reality paying for gas and insurance just so I can drive to work. I completely agree with the OP. There are so many other things they could tax/use as a money sink.
Waypoint costs and armor repairs are only here because you poeple who play other games are conditioned to accept it.
I am happy to admit that I am unwilling to evolve past having benefitted from Guild wars 1 not having these unreasonable burdens. But I am definately not cheap. I was happy to purchase 500 items from weaponsmith and salvage them away just to meet my monthly salvage requirements.
I don’t travel anymore because every time I see the cost of a waypoint, my blood boils. I haven’t played with my friends in two months because they are slowly clearing frostgorge and I am happily farming the tunnel in Cursed Lands so I can make money and not have to pay for waypoints or armor repairs.
Once they nurf tunnel farming, I will go back to playing GW1.
There are a few things I would do differently but on the whole, I love this game. It is a shame Anet punishes adventurers just because they include the Donald Trump side game. I have no problem with Anet catering to as many different gamer types as they can. but they need to keep the games seperate.
Every game with an economy has a broken economy. economies can never be fixed. The whole game behind an economy is how to exploit it. This is all the more reason to keep the economy and adventuring seperate.
When we get our “home” in our home instance we could get a closet and have to buy clothing from vendors, art and furniture to decorate. Allow us to pay gold for armor repair cannisters, 10s per cannister and make fewer armor repair guys that do it for free… because we are, after all, keeping them alive. Talk about getting something for free. In a logical setting NPC’s should pay us for keeping their homes and businesses safe. We shouldn’t have to rely on looting bad guys we kill. This type of economy is closer to what we really have but how fun would a game like that be?
“oh I’ll just donate that SPARK that I found in Jormags chest to a museum”
Make all waypoints within a zone free but cost 3s to use a waypoint in the next zone and an additional 3 silver for each zone you jump over. At least that way We can walk through the zone portal and waypoint to the next zone portal. A happy medium between instant travel and becoming desensitized to the size of the world and having to run from cursed shore to frost gorge and wasting an hour or so of your life. Anet may as well do this being as they are not “sinking” any money off those of us farming the tunnel or the west Kessex centaurs.
If you remove the cost from waypoints, just give me a mount to run cross country fast. Same thing.
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas
The only problem I have with mounts is world discovery. Waypoints need to be discovered before they can be accessed. Mounts can speed all over the world and trivialize the vastness of the world in the discovery stage of toon development.
I would love to see mounts as a “stats buff” or a pack animal. It’s not very realistic being able to carry 8 bags of swords and armor just because you spent gems to do it. Let me spend 600 gems on a burrow that doesn’t cast agro then 7 more bags that hooks on it’s saddle.
A pack animal could use any animal model in the game and not present a balance issue. These could be “sold for gold” only. Instead of paying 600 gems for a pack animal, you would get a “pack animal handlers license” and a basic burrow. if you want a better beast of burden it will gost you gold to buy a new one.
There are a million better money sinks than waypoints and armor repair.
The best if the WP prices are higher when you travel inside the same area.
Like 3 silver within Cursed Shore, but if you want to move out to Malchor’s Leap, it is reduced a bit.
And Armor Breaking… is it a Fallout game? We don’t need it.
The hell, the game logs me as death nearly every day.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
- Forgot to mention why. Explore and walk the roads instead of teleporting.
Thats why WP prices should be higher, and armros shouldn’t brake instead.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Hi, I’m a warrior. I have a trait that reduces my 4 warhorn skill. I also have Signet of Rage. I have a permanent +33% run speed. I mean that. I never slow beyond it. Tell me, what would be different if my character was on a horse? Same speed.
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas
Brennus: whats the point if it is only capable of the same speed. I said as a stats bonus or pack animal and didn’t elaborate on the stats bonus part. Currently eles,thieves and rangers have a signet that grants 25% move as a passive skill. Mesmers are the only ones that dont have a unconditional speed boost. If mounts are limited to top toon speed then I don’t see why not.
RoyalPredator: We have already explored and walked the roads. That’s why waypoints should be free… to allow the freedom to go to where we need to go. If I could waypoint to anchorage for free, people doing Grenth would have my help more often. I was so much more helpful in GW1, I hate what this paying for waypoints is doing to the kind of gamer I am.
A compromise that makes this suggestion feel more like GW1:
Have one free WP in every zone.
Problem solved.
I still think that teleporting to the various capital cities should be completely free wherever you are in the world mind you.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
A compromise that makes this suggestion feel more like GW1:
Have one free WP in every zone.
Problem solved.I still think that teleporting to the various capital cities should be completely free wherever you are in the world mind you.
That’s an idea.
One free waypoint in each zone at the entrance.
Waypoints at dungeon entrances are free.
Waypoints at cities are free.
All other waypoints cost, because they’re merely convenience then.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Brennus: whats the point if it is only capable of the same speed.
Aesthetics. Why not allow everyone the same boost I have on a mount?
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas
…A convenience to other players that ask for help. Paying for waypoints is far more of a deterant to helping than is useful for anything in the game. I would be good with just having a free waypoint at each zone exit and get rid of the other 10 to 15 waypoints altogether. I have been trying to get past this aspect of the game but it is such an un-necessary element.
(edited by Evolving Minotaur.5871)
All you will see is a zerg of players hopping to the popular dynamic events around the world in a constant circle. Nobody would run anywhere they’d teleport all over the place.
A big NO to this idea.
Bad idea to remove cost to travle, that way you would just press tp mind, tp mind, tp mind.
RoyalPredator: We have already explored and walked the roads. That’s why waypoints should be free… to allow the freedom to go to where we need to go. If I could waypoint to anchorage for free, people doing Grenth would have my help more often. I was so much more helpful in GW1, I hate what this paying for waypoints is doing to the kind of gamer I am.
Well sorry, I’m thinking with my own design
( )
If you rethink yourself by knowing:
- While running, you encounter enemies for loot, and allies to help them
- expanding your gaming time in a non-frustrating way
- and even gives a reason to release Mounts
, What you say?
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Removing/Reducing costs is what really ruins exploration. Exploration means walking through the world, doing quests and events, and taking in the scenery. If you waypoint to a location for an event, then tp somewhere else for another event… Ooo, orr event up, waypoint there; thats not exploration, thats teleporting around the map for the sake of getting money, karma, etc. Learn to enjoy the game; the costs are fine, the game is not called teleport wars 2.
You have to explore to open the waypoints to start. Once you have explored an area, after that isn’t exploration, its travel time. The first time is a journey. The 10th time is a commute. As for the Orr events, if you run to them you will never do them. Most are not complete-able solo and they are over quickly. If the group runs to them you run to them, if the group uses a waypoint, you use a waypoint.
I have gotten used to the costs. With my first character I was leveling, the cost was prohibitive. I never had much coin and just getting the trait manuals and decent armor and weapons, plus leveling crafting left me little to no money for traveling. Now I have two level 80’s and am making money in dungeons and Orr. I can subsidize my alts as they level. Plus I stopped leveling crafting. I decided to view crafting as an expensive hobby that I will take up again once I’m well off.
However, I didn’t waypoint to help random people out back when I couldn’t afford to do it. It became a habit. Now I will use a wp to go where I personally want to do something and I will waypoint to quest with two friends. If I came across someone while running around that needed help I would help. But I couldn’t afford to use a waypoint, especially knowing that by the time I got there they might not need help anymore. Now I can afford to use the waypoints to help out folks when they ask but I’m in the habit of not even noticing it in map chat.
Is that good or bad for the game? I don’t know.
At this point, I don’t care because I can afford to travel. When I was new to the game it was extremely aggravating, annoying, irritating, (add further adjectives).
FYI those that did not play Gw1, it never had waypoint costs or armor repairs.
Yeah, but those wp were only to towns and cities. None were scattered all around the areas you need get to.
And they didnt have armor repairs, but they did have death penalty which made it near impossible to progress through a zone without visiting town to reset that penalty… which I absolutly hated when I ran with a kitten group.
I liked GW1, a lot. But they did something different here and it works fine. Maybe removing soo many wp would be a small solution but either way ppl will teleport around to cut that insane travel time. The 1 thing they carried over here is instant boat travel.. that disapointed me.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Remove waypoint cost from every single zone, not just cities.
The huge problem with waypoint cost is that it taxes exploring instead of grinding. Which is wrong with Guild Wars 2.
You lost me right here, when you “claim” that visiting a point you have already previously visited, taxes exploring. If your exploring, you do not have a way point. You explore to get one.
If you work illegally or self self-employed, or any is bad law in your country, so probably you pay. I am working as employer, so I pay taxes and insurance, so I don’t need to pay for this service
. Does any solder pay for equipments? And they don’t pay for travel if is related with mission. So guys don’t compare real life with game. In Tyria we all are solders and we serve for Tyria.
Sorry, no. My main is a Ranger, that’s an Adventurer. Only Guardians and Warriors are soldiers. That we end up in the Pact and are fighting in Orr has nothing to do with our desire to go do Honor of the Waves, or do jumping puzzles in Caladon Forest.
I do not believe that jumping around to waypoints that you already discovered counts as exploring. If you’re jumping in and out every few minutes then you’re not exploring and should be paying for it. Once I’m in a zone, I rarely use the waypoints to get around unless I’m meeting up with a friend or I have to get somewhere on the other side of the zone quickly for a group event. Exploring involves actually walking around looking for events and POI, not porting in and out to farm.
I did a bit of a survey of some of the costs involved:
Example 1:
I used a waypoint from Lion’s Arch to Malchor’s Leap (Pagga’s waypoint), costing 2 s 76 c.
My character wandered around for 6 minutes, harvested, completed one event and then sold all my items to an NPC merchant, yielding 5 s 59 c.Example 2:
I then waypointed about 100 metres north-east of my character’s position to Waste Hollows Waypoint, costing1 s 40 c.
My character wandered around for 7 minutes, harvested, came across and completed 2 events, then once again sold all my items to an NPC merchant, which yielded in total 7 s 05 c.Example 3:
Waypointed from Malchor’s Leap to the Snowden Drifts(Snowhawk Landing), costing 2 s 23 c.
My character wandered in roughly a straight line (to mimic travelling to a specific goal/point) for 10 minutes, harvested, didn’t come across any events. Garnered loot and harvested items I sold to an NPC merchant for 3 s 28 c. This time however I made note first of how much coin I would’ve made if selling them to buyers at Black Lion Trade. It would have been 24 s 21 c.Example 4:
Waypointed from Snowden Drifts to Wayfarer Foothills (Hero’s Moot): 1 s 67c.
Wandered again, harvesting, and completed two event my character came across. After ~8 mins I could sell all items to an NPC merchant for 3 s 35 c, or to buyers on the Black Lion Trader for 4 s 82 c.
In each case between waypointing my character around I endeavoured to play the game the way the developers intended it (e.g. not train through mobs etc). It’s not perfect but I think it clearly shows just how trivial waypoint fees are when done in this way.
If you selling everything and you don’t have time to help for players, so you can make profits. But I am more friendly player and also I do salvage and do missions, and crafting, and I help to players, so I have trouble with coins. Is depending which style and you enjoy in game. That in ten minutes you get 24 silver is a miricale. So don’t find in website that 100 gold for £24.
I sold everything to NPC merchants in my example because that was (in my view) the slowest way of making coin. Selling to the BL Trade will significant increase profits and would offset additional salvaging/collecting. You also miss the point of the time it took to cover the WP cost. The time it takes to cover WP fees is largely almost trivial.
But sure, if you want to salvage everything it will cut somewhat into your profits, but that’s entirely your decision. All that means is that it will take a little longer to cover WP costs, but even a doubling of time only takes it out to ~10-15 minutes. Hardly something worth complaining about. Whether you’re wandering alone or in a group with friends/helping out others, is largely irrelevant in terms of your ability to garner coin/items. I know this because I have extensive experience adventuring both alone and with friends in Malchor’s Leap.
So, no, it does not depend upon your style. As long as you’re not playing well beyond the traditional ideals of the game, you’ll make more than enough coin to cover WP travel in very short time. I thought this suggestion thread might have had some significance, that’s why I did the little survey, but now it’s clear to me that it’s a non-issue. It seems people just want something for nothing and are complaining because they want the game mechanics to be modified due to their out-of-ordinary gameplay style.
again. you’re asking to get something for nothing. it’s a basic, in gaming — transpo costs.
And transportation costs nothing. In fact everything in this game costs nothing since it is being created on the spot from nothing. So what we are asking for is to have to pay nothing for something that costs nothing to provide.
Makes sense to me.
If they want a true gold sink they should put in an income tax. Those that have the most gold should be taxed the most.
I want to see a welfare tax.
Get rid of the negative effect of inflation by making sure that everyone has the same amount of money. And when everyone has the same amount of money no one will be harmed or injured more than anyone else by an increasing price level.
The entire point of doing so (AFAIK) is to prevent people from abusing the WP system in the first place. If you die, and you decide to WP instead of wait, it’s an added penalty to help instil the feeling of “maybe I shouldn’t do stupid things to get killed” (if you jump off cliffs all the time like me) and further emphasize that just because you can die doesn’t mean you should. It also in theory helps raise the chance someone is to explore an area more thoroughly. If you could hop around for free, why wouldn’t you just go straight to the WPs near profitable things and ignore all the lengthy amounts of content spread about the world?
You could not be more wrong on every single point and this basically highlights the beginning of the problem.
You can’t abuse waypoints by using them to get around the world anymore than you can abuse sidewalks by using them to avoid getting hit by a car when walking through your town. Waypoints are there for the purpose of allowing players to move around the world a little faster so that they don’t have to waste their time running (or heavens forbid walking all over the place). Since waypoints can only be used in one fashion and cannot be used in any other fashion there is no way to “abuse” the system.
Secondly is your opinion that MMO developers should be implementing systems that slap us across the wrist at every oppurtunity. I don’t remember any having ever agreed to letting MMO developers slap my wrist whenever I decided to engage in behavior that hurts no one but my character. And even if I had agreed to such negative treatment, MMO developers are not actually capable of making the right choice of determining what type of actions, which fall within the category of Socratically just actions, should be punished. Think about it thusly, under the current system you have your wrist slapped whenever you get disconnected even though you have absolutely no control in determining whether or not you get disconnected. By deciding to punish players for passive actions that happen to the player and are not actions of the player MMO developers have shown that what they are really doing is not trying to make people better but simply being terrible sadists who arbitrarily slap player’s wrists for their own amusement.
Who cares if I decide one day to jump off a high cliff to see whether or not I’ll die. Who is hurt by this action and how is anyone made better off for knowing that my wrist is slapped? No one of course but there isn’t anything wrong with jumping off a cliff that deserves punishment.
All you will see is a zerg of players hopping to the popular dynamic events around the world in a constant circle. Nobody would run anywhere they’d teleport all over the place.
A big NO to this idea.
Lol. People already don’t run anywhere. Instead they sit in Lion’s Arch all day so that they don’t have to pay teleport costs and all those events in Orr go uncompleted because of it.
At least if they removed teleport costs players would be more willing to roam around the world looking for events and we might be able to start completing the group events again.
I did a bit of a survey of some of the costs involved:
Example 1:
I used a waypoint from Lion’s Arch to Malchor’s Leap (Pagga’s waypoint), costing 2 s 76 c.
My character wandered around for 6 minutes, harvested, completed one event and then sold all my items to an NPC merchant, yielding 5 s 59 c.Example 2:
I then waypointed about 100 metres north-east of my character’s position to Waste Hollows Waypoint, costing1 s 40 c.
My character wandered around for 7 minutes, harvested, came across and completed 2 events, then once again sold all my items to an NPC merchant, which yielded in total 7 s 05 c.Example 3:
Waypointed from Malchor’s Leap to the Snowden Drifts(Snowhawk Landing), costing 2 s 23 c.
My character wandered in roughly a straight line (to mimic travelling to a specific goal/point) for 10 minutes, harvested, didn’t come across any events. Garnered loot and harvested items I sold to an NPC merchant for 3 s 28 c. This time however I made note first of how much coin I would’ve made if selling them to buyers at Black Lion Trade. It would have been 24 s 21 c.Example 4:
Waypointed from Snowden Drifts to Wayfarer Foothills (Hero’s Moot): 1 s 67c.
Wandered again, harvesting, and completed two event my character came across. After ~8 mins I could sell all items to an NPC merchant for 3 s 35 c, or to buyers on the Black Lion Trader for 4 s 82 c.
In each case between waypointing my character around I endeavoured to play the game the way the developers intended it (e.g. not train through mobs etc). It’s not perfect but I think it clearly shows just how trivial waypoint fees are when done in this way.
If you selling everything and you don’t have time to help for players, so you can make profits. But I am more friendly player and also I do salvage and do missions, and crafting, and I help to players, so I have trouble with coins. Is depending which style and you enjoy in game. That in ten minutes you get 24 silver is a miricale. So don’t find in website that 100 gold for £24.
I sold everything to NPC merchants in my example because that was (in my view) the slowest way of making coin. Selling to the BL Trade will significant increase profits and would offset additional salvaging/collecting. You also miss the point of the time it took to cover the WP cost. The time it takes to cover WP fees is largely almost trivial.
But sure, if you want to salvage everything it will cut somewhat into your profits, but that’s entirely your decision. All that means is that it will take a little longer to cover WP costs, but even a doubling of time only takes it out to ~10-15 minutes. Hardly something worth complaining about. Whether you’re wandering alone or in a group with friends/helping out others, is largely irrelevant in terms of your ability to garner coin/items. I know this because I have extensive experience adventuring both alone and with friends in Malchor’s Leap.
So, no, it does not depend upon your style. As long as you’re not playing well beyond the traditional ideals of the game, you’ll make more than enough coin to cover WP travel in very short time. I thought this suggestion thread might have had some significance, that’s why I did the little survey, but now it’s clear to me that it’s a non-issue. It seems people just want something for nothing and are complaining because they want the game mechanics to be modified due to their out-of-ordinary gameplay style.
But you don’t understand one thing, that I didn’t see any thread in other MMO games about WP which I played. Second, I am using everything that game give: Salvaging, do events and helping, crafting. This is style which I play and all time I played in other MMO games, and I didn’t have any issues with transport.
I believe that most player rarely want to use WP in same map, so it’s means that they less helping, they do less random events if is not close.
The true is, that only in this game WP is trouble. Better think how game will change if they reduce WP cost or if they improve WP system.
Removing/Reducing costs is what really ruins exploration. Exploration means walking through the world, doing quests and events, and taking in the scenery. If you waypoint to a location for an event, then tp somewhere else for another event… Ooo, orr event up, waypoint there; thats not exploration, thats teleporting around the map for the sake of getting money, karma, etc. Learn to enjoy the game; the costs are fine, the game is not called teleport wars 2.
You have to explore to open the waypoints to start. Once you have explored an area, after that isn’t exploration, its travel time. The first time is a journey. The 10th time is a commute. As for the Orr events, if you run to them you will never do them. Most are not complete-able solo and they are over quickly. If the group runs to them you run to them, if the group uses a waypoint, you use a waypoint.
I have gotten used to the costs. With my first character I was leveling, the cost was prohibitive. I never had much coin and just getting the trait manuals and decent armor and weapons, plus leveling crafting left me little to no money for traveling. Now I have two level 80’s and am making money in dungeons and Orr. I can subsidize my alts as they level. Plus I stopped leveling crafting. I decided to view crafting as an expensive hobby that I will take up again once I’m well off.
However, I didn’t waypoint to help random people out back when I couldn’t afford to do it. It became a habit. Now I will use a wp to go where I personally want to do something and I will waypoint to quest with two friends. If I came across someone while running around that needed help I would help. But I couldn’t afford to use a waypoint, especially knowing that by the time I got there they might not need help anymore. Now I can afford to use the waypoints to help out folks when they ask but I’m in the habit of not even noticing it in map chat.
Is that good or bad for the game? I don’t know.
At this point, I don’t care because I can afford to travel. When I was new to the game it was extremely aggravating, annoying, irritating, (add further adjectives).
I think this is most popular playing style in game and because of WP.
So, as I understand it, the whole point of removing waypoint prices is to prevent a hit in profits while jumping around the map from dungeon to dungeon. I just did this. Cost me 3 silver to get from whever I was to Honor of the Waves. Then I made over 1 gold in the dungeon. Where exactly is the hit in profits? What exactly are you doing that involves you not having more than enough to go wherever you want, whenever you want?
But you don’t understand one thing, that I didn’t see any thread in other MMO games about WP which I played. Second, I am using everything that game give: Salvaging, do events and helping, crafting. This is style which I play and all time I played in other MMO games, and I didn’t have any issues with transport.
I believe that most player rarely want to use WP in same map, so it’s means that they less helping, they do less random events if is not close.
The true is, that only in this game WP is trouble. Better think how game will change if they reduce WP cost or if they improve WP system.
First off, WPs aren’t a thing in other MMOs, so of course you’ve never seen things about them. In other games you have to run where you want to go. There are occational alternate modes of travel, like ships and speeders, which may or may not cost to use. And extremely limited fast travel options that let you teleport to a specific location every half hour or so. None of those things are related to WPs which let you go anywhere in the world any time you want, as long as you’ve unlocked them, for a nominal fee.
As for no one using them? Are you kidding? Everyone uses them all the time, because they’re inexpensive and easy. The only people who don’t use them are excessively cheap people. Or the unreasonably poor who spend all their money on crafting instead of only using the materials they’ve collected while playing the game.
Currently the WPs are not too expesive and are amazingly easy to use. There is nothing wrong with them.
I’m honestly not bothered by the wp cost, it beats a ridicalously over the top looking mount for wich u have to pay one million billion trillion gold to go just 2 max 3 times faster
OP, I think you are complaining over nothing. This isn’t the problem you’re making it out to be. I make roughly 1 gold piece for a 8-12-minute CoF run. To get there, it costs me roughly 2 silver, another 2 to get back to LA, and saaay… 5 for repairs. 1g minus 9s means I’m still getting a 91s gain. Now, you get less money for repeated CoF runs, but it’s still more than enough to pay for waypoint+repair and make a reasonable daily profit.
If I dedicate just a half hour to CoF runs a few times a week, I’m going to have an excess of gold for waypoints, repairs, and the cost of good armor+weapons. Then I can spend the rest of my gaming time exploring, roleplaying, and the like. There’s also gold to be gained on the trading post from the gold weapon/armor drops and nodes/trees/plants you farm as you explore.
Waypoint costs hardly make a dent in gold earnings, even if you just play casually.
WP costs don’t affect farmers one bit. Just casual players who want to find people and events.
It’s all part of the game’s ingenious suicide plan.
WP costs don’t affect farmers one bit. Just casual players who want to find people and events.
It’s all part of the game’s ingenious suicide plan.
even when exploring an area it doesn’t affect you one bit, merching all useless stuff even covers the expense of waypointing and when exploring you’re hoofing most of the map until the point you see you’ve missed one point of interest and that 1s is really not gonna affect you seeing as you get decent rewards for area completion and a stack of materials that when u don’t need them u can still sell them over tp and make enough money to cover ur wp expenses, however i do believe that events should give you a little more money then they do now.
+1 for this, remove or at least lower waypoint cost, it does hurt the lower level players, I personally often avoid using waypoints in order to not go broke.
The problem isn’t the feeling for the average player to not be able to afford it, it is mainly a mental problem. And still that is a problem.
No matter how proudly one bash ones chest and say: “i make a habit to visit Lornars pass just because i can!” it does not apply generally for your everyday gameplay does it? Do you think the average player farming mats in orr think “phew im exhausted, what if i go take a break and explore the countryside in the iron marches?”. For certain i generally do not, istead i go to wvwvw and spvp if i want a break or maybe waypoint to a dungeon as that is an investment. Its not a big fee and im certainly no stranger to wasting money on silliness. But the game tells me not to waypoint to these way off and deserted zones so i don’t. There is no incentive. Games are about fun and i agree, but the way the game is designed is to put your wallet in your face. Thats for example why the coward who you just rezzed in the heat of the battle in wvwvw won’t lift a finger to save you when you are lying on the ground two meters away because he won’t risk a window saying “bad!” and some numbers after it. And economy wise are you kidding me? The only two gold sinks working in pve is the auction house that automatically adjusts the economy in about the only place where it matters. Gold are introduced through dungeons and merchanting (and to a small extent dynamic events) through a sortish stable fashion now, but the larger the inflation would become, the larger the tax, and since the rewards in gold don’t scale with the inflation it would reach a theoretical max plausible roof. Pure gold (hehe) if you ask me as a mechanic. The second that isn’t really as good but not as fundamentally flawed in concept as the others is the armor repair. It actually contributes to the gameplay in a sort of tension (no matter how small it is) and it can actually stack up in fotm and dungeons, though not scaling as the TP fee. Now for the bad and the ugly. As been mentioned the waypoint “sign” waving fingers at the average farmerjoe is concentrating this game to orr and to some extent frostgorge for holidays (the reason lost shores is empty has more to do with the lackluster design of the place). The other is the respec fee. Really do i complain on that now? Yes, for the same reason as the waypointing it is dis encouraging to respec your build which at least for my profession is so heavily bound to my utilities i am stuck in one category of skills for every spec which mean that the game age faster (of course alting is an option, but for us non veteran mmo levelers it is a pain) . Of course i can afford it, but every respec or every visit to harathi hinterlands is one step further from my legendary, added on top of that my experimental build might not be optimal and the area i visit might not give me the rewards of orrian pentient farming that i could be doing otherwise. People are generally okay with everyday fees if they are for an investment, for example waypointing for your daily COF runs or switching to your required build for fotm that is different from your undead farming machine but that is vital for your survival and your partys success. It’s really shooting one self in the foot if arenanet want longevity to discourage (which is what they do no matter the fee) variation and routine breaking activities.
(edited by miriforst.1290)
So guys don’t compare real life with game. In Tyria we all are solders and we serve for Tyria.
Wrong, we are soldiers only in the last part of the story in the assault on Orr, everything up to that point can be viewed as being simple adventurers.
some obvious sugestions to reduce waypoint cost for the ppl who really find it an issue.
1. Free travel to LA, just go to the pvp area and walk through the asuran gate right in front of you, it’s a free travel to LA
2. from LA you can go freely to every major city and u can travel from there to the point you need.
3. from the order you’ve chosen from you can freely travel to fort trinity by using the asuran gate in any order’s headquarters
it takes a bit longer, but it can save you alot of money