Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


Sorry I don’t like that idea. I shouldn’t be able to get an armor set from a dungeon I never ran.

Pretty much this.

I agree. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

Dungeon tokens should be more transparent in that 1 token leads to 1 piece of equipment, every path dropping a single token a day for that dungeon.

That will never happen. Before betas, anet had it set up this way. I’m guessing they changed it because there was a better business model, and it’s all about making money. The current system means that after you buy your armor, you ALWAYS have a few tokens left over, so then you are stuck with the thought, ‘well, I’m partly there to a weapon now, let’s keep farming.’ It is set up to keep dragging you back in for more runs.

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: fullpint.8390


One thing that might be nice is to have an exchange system for tokens:laurels. Allow players to purchase laurels with X dungeon tokens. The exchange rate would need to be exceedingly high, however, to keep the current laurel values – on the order of 500:1 or so.

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


Dude laurels is the mess here that take ages to get dungeon tokens are working as intended so people should get full hotw armor from running cof path 1? NO this should be an accomplishment for doing a harder dungeon. They might as well delete all dungeons but cof. they should fix laurels so you can get more of them but without messing with the dungeon tokens.

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Are you seriously suggesting that you would get a free set of level 80 exotic gear for doing 6 days’ worth of dailies?

Because that’s ridiculous.

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Dungeon Armour / Weapons are to show you’ve run that dungeon.

Personally, I think they should make the armour and weapons locked until you’ve run all paths, to show you can.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheTor.3890


How about they made the dungeon tokens universal, but made each exotic also require 1 dungeon specific item that’s a guaranteed drop from the final boss?

It consolidates the tokens, makes sure you have run (and completed) the instance in question a sufficient number of times, and also allows you to farm your favourite dungeon for the bulk of the work?

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: KorbanDallas.7389


I believe the idea of how the tokens are dungeon-specific is sound : think of it like this – If I want to make a scale vest out of a red dragon, I’d go and kill the dragon to get the scales, right? I consider tokens to be similar in nature – Ascalonian tokens are “like a ghost metal” that needs to be “specially crafted” by the vendor (who happens to be the only blacksmith who knows how to work with those materials). Makes sense in my head at any rate.

I do feel it would be nice for them to add a “Token” tab to the bank that would function like a currency however (ie. no stack limit), as if you are saving up to buy a chest those token stacks build up pretty fast (or, well, slow if you take your time).

I don’t like the idea of people getting any dungeon armor from a universal token, because it takes away the idea of the dungeon armor – that it’s a specific themed reward for going through a themed content. It’s got nothing to do with elite-ism, as its not functionally better than anything else you can get, its just pure aesthetic opinion on what looks better (Like Arah armor they would have had both those shoulders as it looks on the characters left arm, I probably would have completed my personal story by now).
I can understand a persons desire to be able to not have to run other dungeons to get things – if, like me, you’ve been helping various guild members various characters through dungeons, you end up playing some a lot more than others and don’t always want anything else from that dungeon, leaving you with a stack of tokens that you won’t do anything with – but I unfortunately am siding with all the folks on the lines of keeping it separate.

Alternatively, lowering the numbers of tokens rewarded and the tokens required to a consistent value would also be a nice way to work around. If a 0 was knocked off the end, it would still take the same effort to obtain, but might help lower the annoyance of all the stacks.


Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: crystal.5930


I don’t mind the multiple currencies, but I hate the currencies that take up inventory space.

Make it so it doesn’t take up inventory space and you can make as many currencies as you want, Anet.

I’m with you. I don’t have any use for them, except for the ones I’ll need if I ever do go for that Legendary, so being able to get them into materials storage, or making them a no-space currency, would be great. I also like the idea somebody mentioned in the thread of being able to trade them in for laurels. Or just add some things to the vendors that can be bought with a few tokens, rather than dozens, to clean up those stragglers people get left with.

Chosovi Rose, Thomas Thorn, Crystalbrier, Bracken Farstone, Crassul, on Tarnished Coast
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Unlike many other replyers here I do realize this here as a very great suggestion.
The point is only, the OP’s basic idea here needs naturally some tweaks, as how the OP has suggested the basic idea behind all this, it would be naturally no good way to change the current system.
Simple because really 1 to 2 laurels per equipment would be really massively way too less to exchange the dungeon token costs.

This suggestion would solve multiple problems.

1. It would reduce the overflow of curries to the minimum that is needed.

2. It would remove redundant items out of the game giving us all also a few free slots more of account inventory space back, as they wouldn’t get blocked anymore permanently with all the dungeon tokens

3. Anet wouldn’t need to make dungeon tokens work like laurels anymore letting them get shown at the point like laurels/gold/gems get shown to us.

4. The incredible gear grind for ascendend items compared to the current ascendend items you can get by FOTM runs would get reduced to a normal ration and making Alts would make more fun again knowing, that you don’t need generally multiple YEARS, just to get all your characters geared with ascendend items.
Thats way too much time effort for all this.
GW2 definetely needs more ways to gain laurels, other then only daily/monthly.

5. It would solve the problem of empty dungeons, if making dungeons would earn us daily once per dungeon alos a laurel, so that people would stop farming permanently always only one and the same dungeon over and over.
Instead people would spread out to all dungeons making them constantly to get over the day the maximum amount of receiveable laurels t speed up in the end the time needed to get their charas equipped with ascendend equipment.

Part 2 coming…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


As the game is currently, it makes absolutely no fun to play with more than 1 character, as you basically know already now, that you will never have the time to collect enough laurels with the current bad thought out system, that you will ever finish that goal, before most likely ther Game will end or GW3 gets announced or what ever might happen…

Long term Motivation is good, but what anet does here is simple no long term motivation. its just pure GRIND. Something, what this game shouldn’t have, looking at their manifesto, their philosophy and so on.
With the current game design anet is kicking their own guiding principles into the dirt, hiding this contradictory game design behind the excuse of saying, that this grind is OPTIONAL.

Grind for equipment, that is effetively the best of the best that you can get in this game is absolutely NOT optional and stuff like ascesdent rings, amulets and earrings are surely also no COSMETIC items, as these items are all about STATS only.

It isn’t enough to just add and add new possibilities only into the game to obtain ascendent items. More important should it be to make ascendent items accessible to everybody, without forcing people to make massive grind to get your characters complete, when even just a single character only would take a player like half a year just to get only the accessoires done !!

And we aren’t yet talking at all about ascendant weapons and ascendent armory, which is still up to be implemented into the game!!!

Very often in the last months I’ve to say, that GW2 becomes more and more of a grind hell, when I see how many dungeon runs a player has to do, just to get a stupid complete dungeon armor set with a weapon based on the dungeon…

To get just a full dungeon set with a weapon, you need nearly 1700 dungeon tokens!
Every dungeon has basically 3-4 paths. Doing all paths daily of a dungeon means, you can get a day 180 to 240 dungeons, after that the token gain massively decreases that it basically isn’t worth it to do all dungeon paths more than once, because after the daily runs it feells just like 100x more of a grind to work on tokens…

So basically doing only daily dungeon runs, people would need to nearly do 10 days straight of dungon grind every day all 3 pathes (as all except arah have 3 paths, so arah is an exception here for the example) to get enough tokens.

Much better would it be, if a player would have to do it only 7-8 times.
1 dungeon full run per dungeon item as reward.
Because then again it would make also again more fun to make more alts, because you know you could get for all of your characters quicklier all the armory and weapons that you weant to have with them.

So to come back to the original idea… lets say dungeon tokens would get changed all to laurel rewards.
Lets say every path rewards a player once a day per character with 1 laurel.
lets say we have the basic 5 characters.
This would mean a player could get per dungeon daily 3*5 = 15 laurels.
We have currently 8 dungeons.
15*8 = 120 laurels possible a day, if a player would make with all 5 characters all 8 dungeons as full run all pathes.

Knowing that this is basically impossible, as this would take way too much time, than a day has, lets say we break down these 120 laurels to a realistic 20 laurels.

So if the dungeon equipment would cost 20 laurels for example, they would be much more worth, than doing just only 1 day a daily.
20 laurels of cost for a dungeon item piece would be also more worth, than the currently approx 300 dungeon tokens you need.
20 is in my opinion even too much, its just what my example brough out for a result, theres space for reducing this amount, to make it less grindy and still alot more worth of effort, than doing just a single daily…

So a price like 10-15 laurels per dungeon equipment part I think is very approviate and a good middle. 15 i think is even better, because its a number you get directly by doing with 1 character 5 dungeon full runs. With 10 we would like at 3 full runs and 1 path with a character. Doesn’t look as good, like 5 full runs.

SO I personally are absolutely for this idea

/signed, but naturally only with some kind of the said tweaks, so that getting dungeon equipment doesn’t become too easy, but also shouldn’t be too grindy as well.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Replacing All Dugeon Tokens with Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: mdapol.8530


Again, why do you NEED a full set of dungeon armor and weapons? Your entire argument is predicated upon this one assumption.

The dungeon armor and weapons are nothing more than a skin. They are meant to show that you’ve accomplished something hard. You haven’t explained how the lack of dungeon armor and weapons is damaging your ability to play the game.

Even though they have better stats, they do not prevent you from doing any content.

The only reason you perceive grind is because you make the choice to grind.