Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burkderp.3904


Problem: Hit 80 and realise there’s only two zones that provide level 80 content.


*Once 80 make level downscaling more challenging. Match mob levels not one or two levels higher.
*Make all zones drop endgame loot and trash consistently not just a few items here and there
*Zone appropriate crafting materials can still be harvested/dropped as they would normally

Sweet now you have your population exploring and enjoying the content from the WHOLE game. While scaling is okay at the moment it needs to provide more incentive and challenge. If these simple changes were implemented the game might just live that much longer and have the lower level zones more populated.

Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I agree with the above. I would also suggest that area completion rewards are scaled to level. I find lower areas too easy and too unrewarding as level-appropriate drops seem very few and far between.

Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


ANet can’t scale your gear, which is where a lot of the PC power comes from in this game. And upscaling monsters is bad for all those low-level players the zone is aimed at.

Making rewards appropriate to level was one of the games selling points for me, and it’s a shame they don’t do that. That really should happen.

Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


I’d actually go to lower level areas if the drops scaled. these trashy lvl 74 pieces do not compare to the lvl 80 rares I consistently get and therefore I will not be visiting lower areas until my character is perfected (bar legendary weapons because they’re either ugly or such a time/gold/karma sink it’s mind boggling) and when I do go back there it’ll be to help out the newbies with their DEs before I go back to owning dungeons and maybe some WvW.

Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: jollyjolly.3516


This is an interesting idea. I don’t know if you can make low level zones difficult enough to be “end-game”, but certainly cranking up the difficulty a bit would be nice.
And in terms of scaling, Anet made the game, they can scale whatever they want lol. But seriously, gear gives you stats, stats are numbers, and numbers can be lowered. The hardest thing for them to scale are actual player skill, and the fact that a level 80 player has more elites, utilities and weapons in their arsenal than say a level 15.

Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

There is absolutely no difference in how easy it is to do anything in this game as a level 80 in full exotics, and a naked level 20. From the first point where I had all my skills unlocked, I’ve been pulling 5-8 mobs at a time, killing them, and moving on, with no downtime. Scaling is not the problem, rewards are.

I could go back in to a lowbie zone, and get a bunch of lowbie loot, do some gathering for lowbie materials, and do lowbie events for lowbie level rewards. Or, I could do level appropriate stuff, and get significantly larger rewards, at the exact same challenge. Or, I can do dungeons, which give significantly better rewards no matter what.

Besides, low level zones aren’t where we need people. On most servers, Orr is this big block of three zones with two non-contested waypoints. That’s where we need people. As a lowbie, you can easily solo every non-group event, and most professions can do most group events.

And, well, I like it empty. I don’t want the huge number of people causing lag throughout the game. I like them all standing in LA and not getting in my way.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Repopulating low level zones and extending endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

It will not be solved, the solution is far from being something so easy.

You guys know already , what most players want is max return.

If they balanced all the game so every reward was lvl 80 , for an example , what you think would happen? You think most players would spread around the world?

Nope they would not , most would go to few specific farm events on certain regions.

Sure , player would “spread” , but not really exploring , simple farming more areas.

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