Reporting Moderators

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


We seriously need this feature added. They give out infractions and delete posts whenever they feel like it. I made a post giving my opinion on character skins and abilities and I was infracted and got my post deleted.

Maybe even give the moderators a name and feedback button I understand their job and all but it becomes very very annoying when you spend the time to type a lengthy opinion or answer and it gets deleted with a sad excuse as to why in your inbox.

Example in the Spvp forum one guy quoted someone and called him captain obvious and got edited/infracted but another guy quotes him and calls him a tool and nothing happens to him.

(edited by Detahmaio.2014)

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Second this. There are times when a simple ‘rename the thread title’ would have sufficed. The current policy seems to be based on delete first ask questions later, where it should be based on the assumption that players mean well unless stated otherwise.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I would of gladly edited my post or they could of deleted whatever they deemed bad which in all honesty I don’t see anything offensive about my post which is gone now btw.

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


I got a mail about a deleted post yesterday, the post was from over a month or two ago and it was lost upon myriads of other posts in the thread. I am wondering do moderators have to reach a quota or something. I am disappointed how they handle a lot of forum things, I also expect this thread to be locked but personally we should be given a way to voice our opinion when something gets deleted outright. Perhaps moderators only could just give us warning points and that is visible to other members so we can tell if the poster is someone ridiculous or not.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I don’t really count on anything being done about this problem but it’s worth a shot anyway. It seems the mods just do whatever they want and use automated responses to justify it.

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


Now I would like to just respond with the word “Indeed” as that would sum up how I feel on the matter to but due to how they deal with posts I would get infracted for it which is ridiculous, just because I did not drive the conversation forward with a reply. Personally I would rather a reply that is short, it doesn’t have to drive it forward but it would be nice to see replies as opposed to getting lost in the amount of other threads out there.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


7 refractions. lol’d
I guess these moderators have their mysterious reasons. Not that I have anything against this issue. Don’t really care that much for it.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuroin.1703


Agreed, sent a mail to anet about it. Recieved two infractions in a single thread with tons of offensive posts in it that didn’t get removed. It’s all backward. :/

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


The moderation does appear a little overzealous at times. I’d like to think that it’ll improve in the future, though – Arena Net recently announced that ‘better communication’ would be one of their main areas of improvement in the immediate future.

For what it’s worth, I’ve received two infractions myself – both from the same thread claiming that I was going off-topic when in fact I was simply discussing the subject from the opposing side’s point of view. That did make me raise an eyebrow and left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. It could be a genuine mistake, but I do like having a clean record and thus I always strive to uphold the rules.

The sad thing is, I very rarely see posts with ‘kitten’ in every other sentence deleted, even though it’s obvious the poster in question is dropping curses left, right and centre.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Moderators recently went to town with some of my posts. While i may disagree with their decision, i do have to admit the posts were questionable in their relevance to the topic at time.

But moderators should have names, so that if there have been five reports on the same moderator, there should be an investigation into what that moderator has done. there has to be a way of reporting moderators who took it too far without the potential of abuse, or reducing that potential to a minimum.

Detah, what would you suggest towards that?

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


Couldnt agree more, the current moderators seem to be either egotistical or frankly kinda dumb. (oops infraction incoming…lol)
Ive had a post deleted in which I commented about emails being sent out to promote events after they had occured ! I said this was really too little too late and it would be nice to get emails that sparked a players interest ahead of time !
For this I got a deleted thread and an infraction. they said I was rude and demanding?Funny how they didnt mention my compliments on the game, its graphics etc.

Moderators should be just as accountable for their actions as players or indeed Devs. After all isnt it our goal to work together to make GW2 all it can be !

We’re not retreating… we’re advancing in a different direction !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !

(edited by Phantax.1369)

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Well , while i also see little sense on the one infraction i got , i believe mods got Anet backing. Thus they are people qualified to see this kind of thing , even when i dont.

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Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


Moderators recently went to town with some of my posts. While i may disagree with their decision, i do have to admit the posts were questionable in their relevance to the topic at time.

But moderators should have names, so that if there have been five reports on the same moderator, there should be an investigation into what that moderator has done. there has to be a way of reporting moderators who took it too far without the potential of abuse, or reducing that potential to a minimum.

Detah, what would you suggest towards that?

That actually sounds good because they need a mod feedback system. Any kind will due at the current moment because it’s just out of hand the amount of infrations they just hand out and just randomly deleting non offensive posts.

Even if we do try to report the matter we have absolutely no way of identifying a moderator.

(edited by Detahmaio.2014)

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


But moderators should have names, so that if there have been five reports on the same moderator, there should be an investigation into what that moderator has done. there has to be a way of reporting moderators who took it too far without the potential of abuse, or reducing that potential to a minimum.

Personally I don’t think we even need a name so long as we can actually respond or file a complaint. I sent off a mail detailing why I was upset with the deleted post, not to appeal it per se, but with how they handled it. There was a reply button on the moderators forum mail but when I hit reply I got a not functioning message, I mentioned that in the email also.

Not to go off topic but there has been religions that have went with this sort of behaviour; See it, delete it, pretend it was never there. This is only damaging for Anet, it is also a kick in the teethto the player base.

I said before I expect this topic to get closed, and it won’t be for anyone going off on a tangent or from someone blatantly being offensive but because this is a topic that they don’t want players discussing topics like this. We need a voice and it is getting quashed by these click-happy moderators.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

Please do not make posts that contest the actions of a moderator. If you feel any action taken by a moderator was inappropriate, send an e-mail to and the issue will be looked into.

Thanks for your understanding