Reporting WXP 'Farmer'

Reporting WXP 'Farmer'

in Suggestions

Posted by: bigchiefman.5723


I stumbled across a small group of players from the ‘defeated player’ mark in the minimap. I found about 10-20 characters from two different servers stacked up on a cliffside killing each other, reviving, then killing each other again. They promptly logged out when I encountered them and I assume this person was doing this to farm WXP. (Like ‘honor trading’ in WoW).

I assume this is illegal but I didn’t know exactly where to post this. If it isn’t, it should be, even with the diminishing-returns system in place. Just want the devs to know people (or some person) is doing this.

The SS isn’t meant as proof (I don’t care if the player gets banned or not) but only to illustrate how it was done.


Reporting WXP 'Farmer'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


Since WXP is given based on the time the character spent alive, he gets nothing.

Btw PvP is full of gloryfarmers for 3 months now, and devs don’t care

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

Reporting WXP 'Farmer'

in Suggestions

Posted by: bigchiefman.5723


Good to know, thanks for the reply. I’m relatively new and don’t know much about how the system works.

…On the upside, maybe she/he will see this and learn not to waste their time.

Reporting WXP 'Farmer'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulrez.8712


Those are bots, my friend.

Reporting WXP 'Farmer'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


Out of all the places to report people doing something in WvW how did the suggestion section win?

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over